April 2013

Longtime readers know that I have often criticized (unfairly in many readers' eyes) the snail's pace of dispute resolution before the International Court of Justice.  I respect the ICJ as an institution, but I have never thought it has lived up to its potential as the "principal judicial organ" of the United Nations.  On the other hand, I will give...

[Roger L. Phillips is an international criminal law practitioner. He also maintains Communis Hostis Omnium, a blog about maritime piracy. This post is cross-posted there.] The majority opinion in Kiobel precludes Alien Tort Statute claims for foreign conduct against foreign victims, leaving a small door for potential future claims that involve extraterritorial conduct so long as they touch and concern US territorial...

In addition to the Ku/Yoo essay in Forbes, I'll just point out two more positive takes on Kiobel from FOBs (friends of the Blog). In Lawfare, John Bellinger expresses satisfaction with the Roberts opinion, and takes some credit for raising the presumption against extraterritoriality issue in government briefs during the Bush Administration and in the first round of Kiobel briefing.  He...

Today at 4:00 p.m. EST, a hearing will take place in the US Senate entitled: Drone Wars: The Constitutional and Counterterrorism Implications of Targeted Killings; you can watch it on the webcast live. Lawfare has highlighted five ways to reform the targeted killing program ahead of today's hearing. A car bomb has exploded outside the French embassy in Tripoli. In an already tense diplomatic...

Professor David Kaye has a thoughtful essay in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs analyzing the growing level of cooperation between the U.S. and the ICC.   He correctly notes that the U.S. is not only no longer actively hostile, but it has taken various steps in recent years to actively support the work of the ICC (most notably in Uganda against...

This time it is about general personal jurisdiction of a foreign parent corporation based on alleged human rights violations of one subsidiary in a foreign country and unrelated activities of another subsidiary within the forum. The question presented in Daimler Chrysler AG v. Bauman is as follows: Daimler AG is a German public stock company that does not manufacture or sell...

"[E]ven where the claims touch and concern the territory of the United States, they must do so with sufficient force to displace the presumption against extraterritorial application. Corporations are often present in many countries, and it would reach too far to say that mere corporate presence suffices." That is the operative language in Kiobel. Which raises the question, if mere...

In the wake of Obama's memorable statement, a number of bloggers have questioned whether the Boston bombings deserve to be labeled "terrorism." Most of those bloggers -- such as the excellent Ali Abuminah here -- emphasize that many US definitions of terrorism require the violent act in question to be politically or ideologically motivated, which is still an open question with regard...

The Syrian opposition is reporting the slaughter of at least 80 people by government troops in a town south of Damascus. Human Rights Watch has accused authorities in Myanmar of conducting a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya Muslim minority. Heavy fighting between the Nigerian military and the Boko Haram insurgents has cost almost 200 lives over the weekend. An Afghan girls' school may have been victim...

Our discussion of Kiobel has been fascinating, but it has been focused on the question of what exactly is left of the ATS in the future and what differences exist between the majority opinion and the various concurrences. In our contribution today to Forbes.com, John Yoo and I focus on Kiobel's significance in light of the history of ATS litigation.  Building...

Calls for Papers We have launched our own call for papers aimed at LL.M, Ph.D and S.J.D. students as well as those practitioners/academics within the first five years post-degree to participate in our New Voices symposium starting in July. The deadline for 200-word abstract submissions is May 1, 2013. Upcoming Events ASIL is organizing a few lunch time events this week: on Tuesday its Government Attorneys Interest...