
[Eva Buzo is a barrister and Executive Director of Victim Advocates International. Clare Brown is a Senior Legal Officer and Gender Advisor for Victim Advocates International. Kate Gibson is an international criminal lawyer and Senior Counsel to Victim Advocates International. Pia Conradsen is Rohingya Victim Coordinator of Victim Advocates International.] On 28 June 2024, the Argentine Prosecutor Guillermo F. Marijuán asked...

[Wai Wai Nu, originally from Myanmar, is the Founder and Executive Director of the Women’s Peace Network. Grant Shubin is a Senior Legal Advisor with the Global Justice Center.] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law, in which diverse authors reflect on how the International Criminal Court and other jurisdictions have responded to...

[Boravin Tann is a researcher and lecturer at the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law based at the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), Cambodia. Rosemary Grey is a Senior Lecturer at Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney.] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law, in which diverse authors reflect...

[Naimeh Masumy is a research fellow at Maastricht University and a dispute resolution expert specialized in energy and investment disputes] The author would like to express gratitude for the valuable comments and feedback received from Wolf Von Kumberg, as well as the support given by Hiba al Abiad. Human beings are members of a wholeIn creation of one essence and soulIf one...

[Arifur Rahman is reading for the LLM in Human Rights at NYU School of Law as  a Arthur T. Vanderbilt Scholar. He was a shortlisted candidate for the Global Hauser Scholarship. He completed his LLB and an LLM in International Law from the University of Dhaka.] Gender identity is usually considered a vexed idea and thus hotly debated globally. More often...

[Manuel J. Ventura is the Deputy Director of the Australian Defence Force Indo-Pacific Centre for Military Law, Defence Legal Division, Department of Defence of Australia and an Adjunct Fellow/Lecturer of international law at Western Sydney University.] The views expressed herein are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Defence of Australia, the...

In the field of international legal scholarship, Eurocentrism has traditionally overshadowed culture, ideology, and epistemology. Yet, as the world becomes more multipolar, these perspectives become indispensable for addressing global legal challenges in an effective manner. In our latest episode of FreshSqueezed!, Professor Cai Congyan from Fudan University Law School shared his thoughts China and the rise...

[Nick Leddy is Head of Litigation at Legal Action Worldwide, and a former Trial Lawyer for the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, where he worked, inter alia, on the situation in Myanmar/Bangladesh] Six years ago, in August 2017, the Myanmar military began a deadly operation in Rakhine State targeting the Rohingya group. This “Clearance Operation” caused incredible...

[Nandini Shinde is a Catalyst for Change Fellow at Migration and Asylum Project, an initiative of the Ara Trust, where she works as a legal representative for refugees in their refugee status determination. She has a background in international criminal and humanitarian law. Radhika Goyal is a Policy Associate with Accountability Counsel where she advocates for international financial institutions to be...

[Dr. Ligeia Quackelbeen is an Assistant Professor in International and European Criminal Law (Tilburg University) currently researching problems of interpretation arising from inter alia the concurrence of legal regimes and examining these issues in light of the legality principle and fair labelling.] The Connection Between the Jurisdictional Assessment and Admissibility Test  A second, more tentative, point that I want to raise is that I...

[Dr. Ligeia Quackelbeen is an Assistant Professor in International and European Criminal Law (Tilburg University) currently researching problems of interpretation arising from inter alia the concurrence of legal regimes and examining these issues in light of the legality principle and fair labelling.] On 9 February 2023, a communication was submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP)  of the ICC by the Belgian...