Search: extraterritorial sanctions

...the making. As the crowd settled down, Mandela embarked on a militant speech that embraced the battle against apartheid on all fronts. “Our struggle has reached a decisive moment,” Mandela said. “We call on our people to seize this moment so that the process toward democracy is rapid and uninterrupted. We have waited too long for our freedom. We can no longer wait.” Saluting communists and combatants, embracing international sanctions, and vowing to continue the armed struggle against apartheid, Mandela catered to his swelling ranks and flamed the fears of...

...million from Saudi Arabia this month on the same day it announced it was cutting ties with Saudi rival Iran, a document seen by Reuters showed. Middle East and Northern Africa At least 42 people have been killed, including civilians, in suspected Russian air strikes in Syria’s Raqqa province, activists and a monitoring group say. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has described as “historic” and a “great victory” the lifting of sanctions against Iran, declaring that the country is now reopening its doors to the international economy. Islamic State militants kidnapped...

Western powers have said that Iran is considering their offer of lifting some financial sanctions in return for a scaled-back nuclear program from Tehran. Saudi Arabia has purchased a large amount of infantry weapons from Croatia and quietly funneled them to rebel forces in Syria. Fighting rages on in Syria, with battles nearing a 12th-century mosque in Aleppo, threatening to further damage the historic structure. Symantec Corp researchers have found that the Stuxnet virus that was deployed against Iran began in November 2007, two years earlier than previously thought. An...

...malicious cyber operations increasingly launched from one country to another, states are looking for effective ways to respond consistently with international law. Governments regularly resort to unfriendly but lawful acts of retorsion in the cyber context, such as the US expelling diplomats and imposing sanctions following the Solar Winds hack. International law also allows states to take ‘countermeasures’ in response to wrongful acts in cyberspace and beyond. Countermeasures are responses that would normally be unlawful but are justified when taken to stop and/or repair acts that violate international law.  The use...

...the law and with it voluntary compliance. (Part I). 3. However, international criminal law cannot effectively harness the power of empirical desert, leaving the contra-consequentialist features undefeated. (Part II.A). 4. Therefore, international criminal courts should deemphasize moral condemnation and depart from empirical desert when this will produce better consequences. For example, courts should consider imposing higher or lower punishments to avoid local backlash; alternative sanctions such as public hearings, naming and shaming, revoking professional licenses, and lustration; paying rebels to disarm; granting amnesties; ordering restitution; economic development; and forward-looking conflict...

...act with bad faith (emphasis mine): But we find no uncertainty in this statute which deprives a person of the ability to predetermine whether a contemplated action is criminal under the provisions of this law. The obvious delimiting words in the statute are those requiring “intent or reason to believe that the information to be obtained is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation.” This requires those prosecuted to have acted in bad faith. The sanctions apply only when... the world today is a nuclear Iran, whereas “President Obama seems to think that the greatest threat to the Middle East are a few Jewish settlements in the West Bank.” He offered no hope that sanctions would deter Iran, and declined to endorse lesser responses (such as another Stuxnet cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities) short of an armed attack. He concluded that the United States had a stark choice: either support Israel’s decision to bomb Iran or accept the reality of a nuclear Iran. Bolton left no doubt as...

...been out of the public eye for the past two weeks, to discuss closer ties between the US and China. On her visit to the US, during which she will receive a Congressional Gold Medal, Aung San Suu Kyi has urged for an end of US sanctions against Myanmar. The IMF’s Executive Board has issued an ultimatum to Argentina to clarify its economic data, which could lead to a censure, a procedure never used in IMF history. Although tensions remain high, the Chinese authorities are trying to suppress anti-Japanese protests....

China announced today it has requested consultations with the United States over the imposition of U.S. duties on certain Chinese paper products. This is WTO-speak for: “We’re filing a lawsuit”. This marks the first time China has ever used the WTO dispute settlement procedures on its own (it joined in Europe’s suit against the U.S. steel tariffs). The robust U.S-China trade relationship has hit a few bumps in recent years, and the new relatively anti-trade Democratic Congress has made things worse by threatening all sorts of nasty sanctions against China....

...weekend. Relatives of approximately 90 Yeminis held at the US Guantanamo Bay prison are protesting their “very poor” conditions at Gitmo and demanding their release. Arms Control Blog points to a new report about the effectiveness of sanctions against Iran. The UNGA is set to vote today on the Arms Trade Treaty, a week after Iran, Syria and North Korea blocked the adoption by consensus. Following the return of the two Italian marines to India, India’s Supreme Court has removed the order barring the Italian envoy from leaving the country....

...woman or girl substantial pain or suffering, most notably where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or is not viable. In addition, States parties may not regulate pregnancy or abortion in all other cases in a manner that runs contrary to their duty to ensure that women and girls do not have to undertake unsafe abortions, and they should revise their abortion laws accordingly. For example, they should not take measures such as criminalizing pregnancies by unmarried women or apply criminal sanctions against women and girls undergoing... has built. A senior U.S. defense official said on Thursday that additional sanctions were a possible response to any North Korea missile launch and the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific said he favored deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system in South Korea. Europe With a troubled peace plan for the Ukrainian conflict nearing its deadline, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg will attempt a balancing act to reassure Kiev of the West’s support without antagonizing Moscow when he visits Ukraine on Monday. Bitterly-divided European leaders will seek to find...