Search: drones

...Azerbaijanis. For this reason, it falls in violation of the 2008 General Assembly resolution which reaffirms that “no State should recognize as lawful the situation resulting from the occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories, or render assistance in maintaining that situation”. In the continued spirit of Islamophobia, the French Senate resolution also refers to “jihadist mercenaries” aiding the Azerbaijani army, despite the controversy surrounding these claims, and in spite of consensus amongst military experts that Azerbaijan’s military successes resulted from its use of advanced drones that were able to target Armenian military...

...public about the legal concept of “genocide.” When Wikileaks disseminated its viral “Collateral Murder” video it doctored the film, confusing the audience about the complexity of events on the ground and about the distinction between “murder,” “war crimes” and “lawful targeting.” Assange’s later conflation of “civilian casualties” with “war crimes” in his promotion of the Afghan War Diaries dataset put civilian harms on the agenda, but promoted a fallacious understanding of what “war crimes” are. The public debate over drones is equally confused on these points – a process that...

An Israeli soldier has caused outrage because of a photo posted to Instagram showing what appears to be a Palestinian child in the crosshairs of his rifle. Chinese government officials considered using a drone to target a suspected drug lord hiding in Myanmar. In other drone news, the United Arab Emirates has signed a contract with the US to purchase approximately $200 million worth of American-made drones. Reuters provides coverage of the pre-trial hearing of Laurent Gbagbo at the ICC, a proceeding which began yesterday. 20 rebels are dead and... it was tracked for more than three hours. Its movements matched radio intercepts of militants calling on others to join the battle near Khod, about seven miles (12 kilometers) from the site of the attack. No women were seen in the vehicles, but two children were spotted near them at one point. This was inaccurately reported by the drone crew, the report said. We usually think about drones killing innocent civilians directly. But let’s give them their due — they can kill innocent civilians in recon mode, as well....

...say, “I hear you guys are looking for me.” No special forces guys, Predator drones, or air strikes are going to take him out if he does this. In other words, this situation is, in conceptual terms, a fairly close analogue to the one in which cops surround a building and say, “Come out with your hands up or we’ll shoot.” Ben and I disagreed about the “surrender” option at the time, and I continue to find it unconvincing even with regard to al-Aulaqi. But a post by Glenn Greenwald...

...supported by attack helicopters and drones, and has had skirmishes with armed groups, make the intensification of hostilities a distinct possibility. Where there are sustained, direct clashes between MINUSMA and armed groups it would be difficult for the UN to contest the applicability of IHL. Whether a peace operation is a party to the conflict under IHL is also relevant where the UN is providing support to the host state military. Peace operations do not typically fight a war against an enemy but, for instance, MINUSMA is mandated to conduct...

...United Nations resolutions. Vietnam is in talks with European and U.S. contractors to buy fighter jets, maritime patrol planes and unarmed drones, sources said, as it looks to beef up its aerial defenses in the face of China’s growing assertiveness in disputed waters. Europe Group of Seven (G7) leaders vowed at a summit in the Bavarian Alps on Sunday to keep sanctions against Russia in place until President Vladimir Putin and Moscow-backed separatists fully implement the terms of a peace deal for Ukraine. Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders will discuss...

...moving ahead with its plans to establish a North Korea trade zone. The ruling on compelling the United States to hand over evidence against Kim Dotcom, accused of mass copyright infringement, money laundering and internet piracy, has been overturned by the court of appeal in New Zealand. In case you were hoping to submit public comment to proposed changes to the IAHCR, the deadline is today. In light of Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, Esquire has a post about why the drones used by the US are just a sideshow....

...on International Law and the Future of Peace upon receiving the Prominent Women in International Law award during yesterday’s ASIL Women in International Law Interest Group Luncheon. Foreign Policy outlines the dangers of low-tech warfare in Why Sticks and Stones Will Beat Our Drones. The Christian Science Monitor has an article discussing the options available to the EU in response to Hungary’s latest instalment of controversial constitutional amendments. EU authorities have also expressed concern over legislative proposals in Egypt to curtain civil society. Syria has stepped up propaganda efforts against...

...contingency planning — there are lots of reasons not to get into quagmires, but the WPR isn’t one of them. At the same time that Koh seemed to be playing up the spirit of the WPR in his live testimony, he also persuasively highlighted how the vision of the 1973 Congress doesn’t really jive with the present day world. (See this from Slate’s William Saletan on Koh’s apparent argument that the WPR doesn’t cover drones.) And even though Senator Kerry said that the Administration has “affirmed” the constitutionality of the... equitably and meaningfully shared with the Global South? How does current knowledge allow us to understand and respond to forms of children’s association with violence that take place in regions not affected by armed conflict? And how can this knowledge base contribute to moderating the global “victim” discourse?What about the involvement of children with cyber-conflict, drones, and autonomous weapon systems? In the end, here, we aim to diminish the ‘us and them’ binary approaches to child soldiers that divides according to age, place, and space. We welcome proposals for...

...violations by the other. Instead, as Human Rights Watch has shown through detailed, on-the-ground investigations, Israeli forces fired white phosphorous munitions indiscriminately over civilian areas, shot and killed Palestinian civilians waving white flags, attacked children playing on rooftops with precision missiles fired from aerial drones and needlessly destroyed civilian property. Now let’s move on to various HRW reports. HRW, April 23, 2009:” Human Rights Watch’s investigation into the fighting in Gaza concluded that Israeli forces were responsible for serious violations of the laws of war, including the use of heavy...