Search: drones

...West shouldn’t expect Russia to change its position on Syria any time soon. The UK has warned Argentina about acts of “aggression” regarding the Falkland Islands. The British Finance Minister has stated that Greece may have to leave the Euro. The Prosecutor of the ICC has filed a new application to arrest a Rwandan field commander, Sylvestre Mucadumura. Venezuela claims to be building drones with the help of Iran. Germany and France are set to deepen their defense cooperation. The OSCE has criticized the recent violence between Azerbaijan and Armenia....

...civilian contractors to perform various logistics and combat support functions in the theater of operations, from arming and maintaining drones to feeding and housing troops to protecting civilian government officials. Although it once performed these functions (almost exclusively) with members of the armed forces, to my knowledge it considers most if not all of these individuals to be civilians (some of which may take a direct part in hostilities), not belligerents. Under Colonel Maxwell’s proposal, most if not all could be targeted as belligerents if supporting non-state organized armed group...

...International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at IDC, the Institute for National Security and Counter-Terrorism at Syracuse University, and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. It will begin today with a keynote speech by Israel’s Deputy Attorney General Shai Nitzan and a dinner, followed by two days of panels on topics including the rule of law, maritime security, cyber-warfare, drones, and the role of courts in balancing law and security. More information is here. Last week’s post can be found here. If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact...

...intelligence community, though I disagree with his take on drones) has a very interesting column on the issuance of a series of executive orders on the linkages between them. One consequence of the early “war on terror” years was that the lines between CIA and military activities got blurred. The Pentagon moved into clandestine areas that had traditionally been the province of the CIA. Special Forces began operating secretly abroad in ways that worried the CIA, the State Department and foreign governments. The Obama administration is finishing an effort to... say about the crisis of today and its long term implications for governance. Note to young and aspiring scholars: The national security-terrorism decade is over in international law, transborder law, and domestic constitutionalism, even if there are many dangling issues that haven’t been worked out, such as the scope of covert action, drones, targeted killing, trying terrorists, detention, etc. The 90s were liberal internationalism; the 00s were non-state actor terrorism and state counterterrorism. Like it or not, questions answered or not, events have moved on. It is now the...

...a unanimous resolution on Yemen calling for an end to violence from both sides. A defense lawyer for one of the suspects before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, set up in The Hague to investigate the death of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, claims that the tribunal has a political agenda and should therefore not conduct the trial. Salon has posted a piece demonstrating the global unpopularity of the US’ use of drones. A Tunisian court has sentenced former President, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, to 20 years in prison. As...

...time” in the “appropriate” manner, reduce the likelihood of immediate retaliation. Furthermore, the US response, involving the deployment of additional fighter squadrons and more warships to the Middle East to help defend Israel, may diminish the chances of Iranian reprisals.    On the other hand, Iran certainly has the capacity to retaliate militarily, as evidenced in April when it launched more than 300 missiles and drones at Israel. The decision of certain airlines to halt operations to the Middle East and the calls by states for their citizens to evacuate from...

...of targeted killing and drone warfare, let me point readers to a conference at University of Pennsylvania Law School this weekend, a joint effort among lawyers, philosophers, diplomats, and national security and military personnel. It’s an impressive lineup – including Deborah Pearlstein and John Dehn – and you can even get CLE credit, I believe. (I’ve put the announcement below the fold.) I’ll be talking at the Penn conference about an ethical tension between jus in bello and jus ad bellum. Targeted killing through drones results (I will take by... today’s presidential election. A UN senior official has addressed sexual violence issues in Cambodia and Kenya. Human Rights Watch has called for an end to the violence in Bangladesh in light of the recent sentencing of opposition leader Jamaat-e-Islaami. Jurist has more here. Foreign Policy recently carried out a survey of 70 experts about global conflicts; an analysis of the results can be found here. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reported last week that UK terror suspects are being stripped of their citizenship before being killed by US drones....

...peace and justice, values that were at heart of Mr Weinrebe’s humanitarian activities. In his keynote lecture, Ben Emmerson, UN Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights and renowned barrister will focus on pressing issues at the intersection of peace and justice including: mass digital surveillance in the global age, the use of drones in the fight against international terrorism, the rights of victims of terrorism and areas of good practice in the fight against terrorism. Opening Remarks will be given by Professor Robert McCorquodale (Director, BIICL) and the lecture... “enable improved techniques for rapidly discriminating hostile intent and filtering out threats in complex urban environments”.  In other words, the DoD is “developing a program of high-tech cameras mounted on drones and other robots that monitor cities, which enable identification and discrimination between civilians and terrorists through machine learning computers.” In this second example too, one can observe the importance of identifying patterns of conduct, especially in urban contexts, to separate civilians from combatants. However, while in the SKYNET programme AI is aimed at a very specific task (rating...

...unconstrained (by lack of personal risk to one’s forces because of drones and lowered civilian harm because of improved targerting) to resort to force. This paper evaluates this claim, and more broadly the idea that jus in bello proportionality and jus ad bellum resort to force can each have a form of “efficiency.” It rejects the claim as incoherent, because the existence of “sides” in conflict results in incommensurable meanings of winning and losing in jus ad bellum, without which there cannot be an “optimal” level of the resort to...