
Calls for Papers A reminder: the AALS has announced a call for papers on International Human Rights New Voices Panel for the AALS Annual Meeting taking place January 2-5, 2015, in Washington, D.C. The deadline to submit a paper is September 15, 2014. More information can be found here. The Australian International Law Journal, published by the International Law Association (Australian Branch), calls for papers of...

Events The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (“ICTR”) is organising an International Symposium on the Legacy of the ICTR to be held in Arusha, Tanzania on November 6-7, 2014. With the ICTR’s closure scheduled for 2015, the Symposium aims to provide an opportunity for experts in the field of international justice to reflect on the ICTR’s contributions to the development of international...

Call for Papers The Lex Mercatoria Publica Project at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg has issued a Call for Papers for a workshop on "The (Comparative) Constitutional Law of Private-Public Arbitration" to be held on 21-22 November 2014. Against the background of a rising number of arbitrations between private economic actors and public law bodies, both on the basis of contracts...

Call for Papers A conference on General International Law and International Economic Law: An (Un)Easy Relationship? will be held at the Lomonosov Moscow State University on April 17, 2015. The conference seeks to address the challenges created by application of the general international law to international economics context as well international economic law influence on evolution of general international law. Abstracts should...

Announcements A one-day conference on the UN Migrant Workers Convention will be held at the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation in Venice on Monday, 28 July. The conference, which boasts a stellar line-up of speakers, will take place in the 12th century monastery of San Nicolò and is free and open to the public.  Workshop: Foreign Investment in the Services Sector. A workshop...

Calls for papers Yale Law School is hosting its 4th Doctoral Scholarship Conference on November 14-15, 2014. The theme for this year’s conference is ‘law and responsibility’. The conference is open to current doctoral candidates, both in law and law-related disciplines, and those who graduated during the previous academic year. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is August 1, 2014. More...

Events The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals will take place  on 18 July 2014 in Geneva. The seminar, the program of which is found here, will focus on the dialogue between the International Law Commission and international courts and tribunals. Members of the ILC, experts and practitioners will take part. The event is open to all. Calls for Papers The Editorial...

Events BIICL is organising an event on 'Due Diligence: From Rhetoric to Practice' on Monday June 16, 2014 from 3.00-7.45pm. The event brings together expert speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including lawyers, academics, the private sector and non-governmental organisations. Their expertise will highlight the pertinent aspects of the UN Guiding Principles as a framework for all current approaches in this area as well...

Call for Papers The American Society of International Law has extended the deadline for submissions of scholarly paper proposals for the ASIL Research Forum to be held during the Society’s Midyear Meeting in Chicago November 6-8, 2014. Papers can be on any topic related to international and transnational law and should be unpublished.  Interdisciplinary projects, empirical studies, and jointly authored papers are welcome. Interested paper-givers...

Calls for Papers Following a successful conference organised by the Qatar University, College of Law and the Qatari Branch of the ILA on the Syrian Crisis and International Law they now plan for a special issue of the International Review of Law on the same theme.  To this end, they are looking for contributions discussing: public international law, including collective security and...

Just a couple things to note this weekend: Call for Papers The American Society of International Law's Dispute Resolution Interest Group and the University of Colorado Law School are co-sponsoring a works-in-progress conference this August on international law and dispute resolution. Here is the Call for Papers.  Announcements The British Institute of International and Comparative Law is looking to hire a research coordinator to work...