Weekend Roundup: February 1-8, 2013

Weekend Roundup: February 1-8, 2013

This week on Opinio Juris, Duncan started us off by discussing privileges and immunities for diplomats and posed the question of what the public should know in cases like DWIs. His next post offered a discussion of the Native American mutual defense treaty involving the Tar Sands Projects.

Kevin weighed in this week on affairs at the ICC, including this post outlining Libya’s contempt for the Office of Public Counsel for the Defense in the Saif Gaddafi case, and on a related note, with respect to the Al-Senussi case, he pointed out that Libya has now taken to insulting Al-Senussi’s defense counsel.

Kevin also pointed out a recent discussion started by Robert Howse on Prawfsblawg discussing the future of American legal education. Professor Howse was kind enough to then offer a guest post in response to Kevin’s thoughts.

The US Department of Justice’s White Paper was leaked this week, and Kevin pointed out its fatal flaw in international law (the lack of discussing organization with respect to Al Qaeda) and called attention to its confused approach to imminence and capture.  Deborah also had a post outlining her initial thoughts and critique of the White Paper. She also pointed out that Obama has ordered the release of classified memos to congressional oversight committees regarding targeted killing, calling it a step in the right direction.

Roger had a post discussing the recent decision in a Dutch district court against Shell and alternatives to ATS litigation in the United States and a post about John Kerry’s opening speech in his position as US Secretary of State, following Hillary Clinton. He also called attention to his latest article, which has just been published in the Virginia Journal of International Law, analyzing section 1782 discovery proceedings in the context of BIT arbitration.

Also active this week were Ken, who posted an update to his earlier post on the rising price of olive oil, and Kristen, who called attention to a recent conference organized by the University of Georgia Law School designed to define the word “scarcity” as it applies in international law.

And last but not least, as usual, we featured our Events and Announcements post as well as our Weekday News Wraps.

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Patrick S. O'Donnell

I’ve put together a document of the various leading analyses and comments to date “out there” on the DoJ White Paper should anyone want a copy. It’s 32 pages, with hyperlinks (and I think I captured most of the embedded hyperlinks as well) to the original sites from which the material was found.