Artificial Intelligence

[Benjamin Thorne is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Criminal Law at the University of Reading] Almost 3 weeks into Donald Trump’s second term as US President and one could have been forgiven for becoming somewhat numb to the seemingly never ending conveyor belt of Executive Orders (EO) being announced. However, one particular EO jolted many from their numbness, not because it...

[Oscar Pearce is a Research Officer at the Australian National University’s College of Law] The recent proliferation of artificial intelligence in the form of Large Language Models (‘LLMs’) has amplified conversations about the social and political risks of such technology. While the threats of existing AI capabilities are daunting, experts believe that in the not-too-distant future, advanced AI (or Artificial General...

[Marijn Hoijtink is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp. She leads the PLATFORM WARS project, which focuses on military applications of AI, how these shape new military practices, and the broader political-economic frameworks in which these take place. Dr Jasper van der Kist is a researcher at the University of...

[Inshira Faliq is a legal fellow at the Fénix Foundation, a Netherlands-based non-profit organisation with a mission to leverage technology to support international justice, peace, and accountability] Introduction  Satellite imagery has long been important for protecting and promoting human rights. It provides visual insights that shed light on abuses and violations often hidden due to ongoing conflict or restrictions imposed by governments. By giving...

[Marta Bo is a Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute and an Associate Senior Researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)] In recent years, accountability for uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in warfare, especially under international criminal law, has progressively emerged as a critical issue in governance initiatives (SIPRI, GGE’s Guiding Principles, REAIM Blue Print for Action) and...

[Dr Anna Nadibaidze is a researcher for the European Research Council funded AutoNorms and AutoPractices projects based at the Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark] The United Nations Summit of the Future, held in New York in September 2024, resulted in the adoption of the Pact for the Future. Among many other issues, this pact lists as an action...

[Karolína Babická is a Senior Legal Adviser at the  International Commission of Jurists. Cristina Giacomin is a Legal Intern at the International Commission of Jurists] Overview In the past two years, the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) of the Council of Europe (CoE) has worked on the Framework Convention (FC) on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law.  The final...

[Adrián Agenjo is an LL.M graduate from the London School of Economics and a Researcher at Pompeu Fabra University. He also works at Irídia - Human Rights Defence Centre in Spain.] The views expressed in this article are the author’s alone and do not represent any institutional affiliation. Lavender Unveiled: The Oblivion of Human Dignity in Israel's War Policy on Gaza The Israeli military...

[Gary Corn is a Professor and Director of the Technology, Security and Law Program at American University Washington College of Law. He previously served as a military attorney in the US Army, including as Staff Judge Advocate (General Counsel) of U.S. Cyber Command.] When it comes to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous weapons in conflict, States have already...

[Jimena Sofía Viveros Álvarez serves as the Chief of Staff and Head Legal Advisor to Justice Loretta Ortiz at the Mexican Supreme Court as well as a member of the UN Secretary General's High-Level Advisory Body on AI. Her prior roles include national leadership positions at the Federal Judicial Council, the Ministry of Security, and the Ministry of Finance, where...