Calls for Papers

Call for Papers The Senior Legal Advisor to the UN Special Rapporteur on Counter-terrorism and Human Rights is pleased to announce a call for inputs published by the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Ms. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin. The Special Rapporteur is studying the impact of the proliferation of “soft law” instruments and related standard-setting initiatives and processes in...

Call for Papers The Silk Road Institute for International and Comparative Law, Xi’an Jiaotong Unviersity, is pleased to announce a call for papers for the international conference on “Multilateral Reform of Investor-State Dispute Resolution: A Dialogue between Different Approaches”, taking place on 15-16 September 2019 in Xi’an, P. R. China. This conference aims to bring together leading scholars and practitioners in...

Featured Announcement Utrecht University Summer Schools This summer, Utrecht University is offering three Summer Schools on international law. Everyone is welcome to register for these Summer Schools. They are coordinated by Otto Spijkers. For more information you can also contact him (o [dot] spijkers [at] uu [dot] nl). Introduction to Public International Law The Public International Law course will look at the role of...

Call for Papers The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice at The University of Texas at Austin, School of Law invites submissions for an interdisciplinary conference on the theme of "Prison Abolition, Human Rights, and Penal Reform: From the Local to the Global," which will be held from the 26-28 September 2019 in Austin, Texas. Mass incarceration and overcriminalization...

Call for Papers The National Research University Higher School of Economics and PluriCourts are pleased to announce a call for papers for their conference on "Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property: Emergence of New International Customary Law Rules – by Whom?" on 3-4 October 2019 in Moscow, Russia. Paper proposals should be submitted via e-mail to Prof. Geir Ulfstein (geir [dot]...

Call for Papers The Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New Delhi (India) is organizing a two-day international conference on South Asia in the Era of International Courts and Tribunals on 28-29 February 2020. The conference theme invites engagement with a range of issues broadly falling within the following three sub-themes: (1) The Composition and Competence of International Courts and...

Call for Papers The University of Hamburg Faculty of Law has published a call for submissions for young scholars in public international law to discuss their research (chapter of a doctoral thesis, post doc paper, other drafts or research ideas). The workshop will be held from 20 - 21 September 2019 in Hamburg. The deadline for abstracts is 10 June 2019. Abstracts can be...

Events The International Bar Association (IBA) is pleased to announce a conference on "The Next Big Questions for International Criminal Justice." This conference, presented by the IBA War Crimes Committee, will be held at the Peace Palace, The Hague, The Netherlands on 13 April 2019. Topics include: corporate accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide; private actors and investigations –...

Call for Papers In Resolution 1888 (2009), the United Nations Security Council urged Member States to investigate and prosecute conflict-related sexual violence and established the UN Team of Experts on Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict (Team of Experts) to assist national authorities in this regard. To commemorate the tenth-year anniversary of its establishment, the Team of Experts...

Call for Papers The University of London is pleased to announce a workshop on "Rectifying the Protection Gap for 'Climate Refugees': What's Next?" on 6 June 2019. This workshop aims to assess the outcomes of the UN Global Compacts and Task Force, to identify their contributions to ongoing attempts to construct better protection mechanisms for those forced to move as...

Call for Papers The Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is pleased to announce a call for papers for a workshop on "International law’s invisible frames – social cognition and knowledge production in international legal processes." The workshop will address two closely related strands of analysis in recent international legal theory: social cognition and knowledge production. Applicants may employ...

Call for Written Submissions The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has opened a call for written submissions on the misuse of criminal law in the areas of sexuality, reproduction, drug use, and HIV. This is an important opportunity for civil society, academics, law makers, human rights experts, community groups and persons affected by the relevant criminal laws, to provide input, including on...