Calls for Papers

Call for Papers LSE is pleased to announce a call for papers for a workshop on Gender, Peace and Nature to take place on 28 June 2019 at the Centre for Women, Peace and Security. The purpose of this workshop is to draw together the links between the nature, the Earth, our home, and gender discrimination and structural inequality in the context...

In keeping with the aim of providing a more user-friendly Opinio Juris 2.0 to our devoted readers, we are relaunching the weekly "Events and Announcements" postings. If you would like to promote a call for papers, conference, event, job, PhD or post-doc position on the site, please contact John Heieck at eventsandannouncements [at] gmail [dot] com and provide a one-paragraph description...

I'd normally leave this for the announcements post, but the Harvard International Law Journal has been extremely kind to me -- not only publishing two of my articles, but also organizing online symposiums for each of them. So the least I could do is put in a kind word for the Journal's ambitious new plans for its online component: The Harvard...