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According to Steve Clemons at the Washington Note, Bolton's nomination is dead despite Bush re-nominating him:At 1:22 pm, the White House sent John Bolton's controversial nomination to serve as US Ambassador to the United Nations back up to the Senate. Luckily, Lincoln Chafee would have none of it — suggesting that such a nomination is clearly not in the spirit of...

The midterms have already had a dramatic effect on foreign policy through the Rumsfeld resignation. I wanted to add, however, to the dialogue Roger Alford began yesterday on foreign policy impacts by focusing on another hot button issue: climate change. When withdrawing from Kyoto, President Bush acknowledged that the U.S. at the time produced almost 20% of the...

News involving Saddam to report: Saddam's principal defense attorney, Khalil Duleimi, has accused the U.S. military of confining the defense team in the Green Zone since the verdict was announced, preventing them from returning to Amman. Dulemi believes that their confinement represents a deliberate attempt on the part of the military to deprive them of access to the media and...

File this one under "not such a good idea":Part of a Nazi leader's speech was played over the public address system before a high school soccer game, prompting an apology by the home team's principal. Forestview High School principal Robert Carpenter said neither he nor his team's coach knew about the speech before the 90-second excerpt was played during warmups Saturday,...

In a move likely to have a significant impact on U.S. foreign policy, particularly with respect to Iraq, President Bush announced today that Donald Rumsfeld is resigning as Defense Secretary and that Robert Gates is replacing him. Here's an excerpt from the ABC News Report: Donald Rumsfeld will resign as Defense Secretary in a stunning consequence of yesterday's midterm election results...

Steve Clemons thinks that among other things we’ll see the CIA’s secret detention centers be de-funded “for sure” and that we’ll see a “modern version of public hangings” in the form of oversight hearings on Iraq-related issues. Roger similarly suggests below that there will be sharp confrontation on executive power. I wonder. Executive power and detainee treatment...

Although this was an unusually foreign policy-focused congressional midterm election here in the States, international trade was not on any candidate's radar screen. Still, one early indicator of the new Congress' internationalist temperamant will be whether it swiftly approves Vietnam's accession to the WTO. Although the WTO General Council formally approved Vietnam's application for membership yesterday, the U.S....

So how will the mid-term elections affect international relations? Here are my predictions of ten things to look for in the next two years: 1. House investigations on the war in Iraq. 2. House spending limits on the war in Iraq. 3. Cabinet level changes. 4. Democratic infighting about the road ahead in Iraq. 5. Trade Promotion...

The WaPo story here. As the International Criminal Court shows itself to be a responsible institution (note the report that prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has rejected several hundred petitions to initiate actions against US officials), the policy fear factor inevitably dissipates, and the possible strategic benefits for the US come into clearer focus. But how long will it take to overcome...