Events and Announcements: 6 April 2022

Events and Announcements: 6 April 2022

Call for Papers

Call for Papers – Tribuna Internacional: Tribuna Internacional is the official journal of the International Law Department at the University of Chile. We invite submissions (in English or Spanish) of unpublished papers in the field of International Public Law, International Private Law, International Human Rights Law, and International Relations. For more information about the CfP, go here. For questions, email us at revistatribuna[at]derecho[dot]uchile[dot]cl.

Call for Papers – The Sights, Sounds, and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions: Early this year, we published a special double issue of the International Criminal Law Review on the visualities and aesthetics of prosecuting aged defendants for atrocities they had perpetrated many decades earlier while they were much younger. This special issue featured contributions from authors with diverse disciplinary and experiential backgrounds working across the globe in the fields of international criminal justice and transitional justice.

This project was a remarkable success: so much so that we have now decided to take this project one step further and publish an edited book on a broader incarnation of this topic, which intersects themes of all the senses, time, and memory in the space of accountability for atrocity crimes. We now issue a call for papers to join us in this exciting venture. This will lead to a volume which is guaranteed to be published by Brill in the book series Studies in International Criminal Law.

We welcome legal submissions and also warmly encourage contributions from authors with a variety of backgrounds (e.g. history, anthropology, sociology, criminology, psychology, biology, theatre, museology, forensics).

Our broader interests touch upon a number of different topics, including but not limited to:

  • reenactments allowing for criminal trials of dead/absent persons through the prosecution of symbols. Such symbols could be more or less metaphoric, ranging from factual imagery (photography) and objects to pieces of art (sculpture, painting, photography); they could also include having an actor in the dock to physically impersonate the defendant, reflecting his or her physical appearance at the time of the crimes.
  • the exploration of extra-judicial venues to reenact trials.
  • reflections on time passing through the lens of the law that consider the different senses: movements, visualities and demeanours (what does it ‘look like’?) and acoustics (what does it ‘sound like’?). Contributions could also consider other senses (for instance smell, touch, and taste); this would be of immense interest to us.
  • reflections on collective global threats, whether caused intentionally (such as the threat to use force or the actual use of force, including via prohibited weapons or weapons of mass destruction), or by indifference or by negligence (such as climate change, pandemics). What are the visualities or acoustics of accountability, or harm assessments, in these crucial contexts?

Authors should send a maximum 300-word abstract to the editors by 1 May 2022 and will be informed of the editors’ decision by 1 June 2022. As part of the publication process, we anticipate holding a funded international (likely hybrid in-person and virtual) conference for successfully selected papers in Exeter (UK) on 20-21 October 2022. Selected participants are to submit a first draft by 15 September 2022. It is anticipated that the deadline for the submission of the full final draft (maximum 8000 words inclusive) will be early 2023, buoyed by input at the conference, for publication at the end of 2023 or beginning of 2024.

Please direct any and all correspondence, questions, and expressions of interest to the co-editors at and c[dot]i[dot]fournet2[at]exeter[dot]ac[dot]uk.

Mark Drumbl and Caroline Fournet


The European Society of International Law Interest Group on International Criminal Justice, Interdisciplinarity & International Criminal Justice: The ESIL Interest Group on International Criminal Justice is pleased to announce on Online Roundtable on “Interdisciplinarity & International Criminal Justice” on Wednesday, 13 April 2022 from 3.30-5.30pm CEST via Zoom.

The field of international criminal justice is situated at the confluence of multiple co-existing, competing and cross-fertilizing regimes. Normatively, the field is host to a plurality of actors and institutions, informed by diverse traditions, influenced by varied interpretative methodologies, and often in dialogue with other interrelated and overlapping domains including the fields of human rights and transitional justice. Factually, the field examines a plurality of mass atrocity situations, each distinct in terms of their location, participants, size and scope. And analytically, the field has been examined and scrutinized from a range of perspectives— spanning disciplines as diverse as law, criminology, anthropology, political science, sociology, psychology, history and philosophy—each seeking to understand particular dimensions of its origins, rationales, meanings and effects.

This online roundtable seeks to examine interdisciplinarity in the field of international criminal justice. Interdisciplinarity has been characterised as difficult, if not impossible, particularly if understood as a synthesis of two or more disciplines that produces a novel approach. In practice, interdisciplinary work often does little more than remain grounded in a particular discipline while dabbling in the theory and methods of another. The roundtable aims to put into conversation three scholars who have recently published monographs that engage with the practice of international criminal justice from different disciplinary perspectives.

Chair: Heidi Matthews, Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School

Speakers: Oumar Ba, Assistant Professor of International Relations, Cornell University (author of States of Justice: The Politics of the International Criminal Court (CUP 2020) –available here); Kjersti Lohne, Professor in Criminology, University of Oslo (author of Advocates of Humanity: Human Rights NGOs in International Criminal Justice (OUP 2020) – available here); and Henry Redwood, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, London South Bank University (author of The Archival Politics of International Courts (CUP 2021) – available here).

Those interested in attending the online event should register by sending an email to b[dot]j[dot]sander[at]luc[dot]leidenuniv[dot]nl providing your name and institution, by 12 April 2022. A Zoom link will be circulated to those registered shortly before the event.

UN Audiovisual Library

New Lecture on Refugee and Asylum Law at the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law: The Codification Division of the UN Office of Legal Affairs recently added new materials to the Lecture Series of the Audiovisual Library of International Law: A Lecture entitled “Refugee and Asylum Law: Towards the centrality of Human Rights” by Professor Cecilia Bailliet of the University of Oslo. 

The Audiovisual Library of International Law is also available as a podcast on SoundCloud and can be accessed through the relevant preinstalled applications on Apple or Google devices, or through the podcast application of your preference by searching “Audiovisual Library of International Law”.

If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact John Heieck at eventsandannouncements[at]gmail[dot]com with a one-paragraph description of your announcement along with hyperlinks to more information. Thank you!

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Calls for Papers, Courts & Tribunals, Europe, Events, Foreign Relations Law, General, International Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, Latin & South America, Public International Law, UN Audiovisual Library
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