14 Sep Transitional Justice Symposium: A Video Tribute to Ruti Teitel from Justice Albie Sachs
This week we are hosting another great online symposium, this time on the 20th anniversary of Ruti Teitel’s seminal book, Transitional Justice, (OUP, 2000). The book’s abstract:
At the century’s end, societies all over the world are moving from authoritarian rule to democracy. At any such time of radical change, the question arises: should a society punish its ancien regime or let bygones by bygones? Transitional Justice takes the debate to a new level with an interdisciplinary approach that challenges the very terms of the contemporary debate. Teitel explores the recurring question of how regimes should respond to evil rule, arguing against the prevailing view favoring punishment, and contending through historical and comparative illustrations that the law nevertheless plays a profound role in periods of radical change. She proposes a new normative conception of justice—one that is highly politicized—offering glimmerings of the rule of law that, in her view, have become symbols of liberal transition.
A number of fantastic contributions are lined up, including one later today from Ruti herself, but first, a video tribute from Justice Albie Sachs:
Please enjoy and join the discussion!
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