23 Mar Symposium on COVID-19 and International Law
Recent weeks have witnessed the rapid global spread of a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. At the time of posting (23 March 2020) the World Health Organisation has reported 294,110 confirmed cases and 12,944 deaths across 187 countries, areas or territories.
In response to the pandemic, Opinio Juris will host a symposium on COVID-19 and international law, kicking off next week on Monday, 30 March 2020. Convened by Barrie Sander (Fellow at Fundação Getúlio Vargas) and Jason Rudall (Assistant Professor at Leiden University), the symposium will bring together approximately 20 scholars to reflect on different dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of international law. We hope the symposium will provide a useful entry point for examining the relationship between COVID-19 and international law and, as always, invite our readers to join the debate.
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