Is Law Losing Cyberspace?

Is Law Losing Cyberspace?

The ALL CAPS headline of the last few hours involves news that social security and other identifying information for some 4 million U.S. federal workers was compromised in a cyber exploitation that, if one believes the unofficial finger pointing, came at the behest of the Chinese government.  Of course, it was just yesterday, that the Council on Foreign Relations’ Adam Segal was reporting how China was crying foul over “OceanLotus” a cyber exploitation that counted various Chinese governmental agencies and research institutes among its victims (and where the fingers were pointed back at the United States). And that’s to say nothing of the Snowden disclosures or the tens of millions of people whose personal data has been compromised via data breaches of an ever-expanding list of private companies (e.g., in February 2015 the U.S. health insurer Anthem admitted that up to 80 million people in its databases had their personal data compromised).  Now, maybe such data breach stories are hyperbolic, offering big numbers of potential losses that do not necessarily mean actual data compromises, let alone consequences for the associated individuals.  Nonetheless, the current zeitgeist seems to be the normalization of cyber insecurity.

As someone who believes international law has an (imperfect) role to play in preserving international peace and stability, I find the current scenario increasingly worrisome.  The level and breadth of cyber exploitations suggests a world in which actors are engaged in a race to the bottom of every data well they think might be useful for their own purposes, on the theory that their adversaries (and their allies) are all doing the same.  In such a world, law seems to be playing a diminishing role.

To be clear, domestic law certainly may constrain (or facilitate) a State’s cyber operations, as all the anxiety associated with the expiration of the PATRIOT Act and this week’s passage of the USA FREEDOM Act suggest. For those of us who care about international law, however, it seems increasingly marginalized in the current environment.  We’ve spent much of the last several years, focused on how international law applies to cyber-operations with huge efforts devoted to questions of line-drawing in what constitutes a prohibited use of force in cyberspace under the jus ad bellum or where the lines are for an attack under the jus in bello.  The Tallinn Manual is the paradigmatic example of this (often quite good) work.  More recently, States and scholars have moved on to cyber operations below these lines, with attention shifting in Tallinn and elsewhere to which cyber operations may generate counter-measures and defining when cyber operations violate the duty of non-intervention.

Such efforts have (so far) had relatively little to say on the question of a cyber exploitation that is best characterized as espionage.  With the exception of U.S. efforts to decry “economic” cyber espionage (as opposed to national security cyber espionage), most international lawyers have shrugged their shoulders on the legality of governments (or their proxies) stealing data from other governments or their nationals.  The conventional wisdom suggests intelligence agencies will be intelligence agencies and we should let this play out via diplomacy or power politics.  To the extent international law has long failed to prohibit espionage, the thinking goes, by analogy it should also leave cyber espionage alone.  And if that’s true, international law has little to say about China taking whatever data it can on employees of the U.S. federal government.

Of course, conventional wisdom is often conventional for good reasons.  From a national security perspective, there are important interests that militate against regulating or constraining data collection from abroad.  Yet, I worry that we’re reaching a tipping point where in conceding international law can do little to nothing for the problem of cyber exploitations, we are effectively conceding the rule of law in cyberspace.  It’s understandable that, from a rational perspective, States will want to do as much of this activity as their technical capacity allows.  But, such self-centered policies have generated a dramatic collective action problem.  The current cyber system is certainly sub-optimal, whether you consider it in economic, humanitarian, or national security terms. The economic costs of the status quo are by all accounts growing, whether in terms of losses of data and IP, or the costs of cleaning up after exploits occur.  Similarly, the ability of individuals to preserve their privacy is rapidly diminishing, and the right to privacy along with it.  And, of course, national governments are fighting, and losing, the battle to keep their own data (and secrets) secure.

All of this leads me to ask whether it’s time to revisit the question of how international law deals with data breaches?  I recognize some may say “no” or that after long and careful thought the answer may remain the same.  But, the rising importance and success rates of data breaches across the globe suggests it’s high time for international law to at least engage these questions more closely.

What do others think?  Is international law losing in cyberspace or is there still a chance that it can play a regulatory role over modern cyberthreats, even if only an imperfect one?


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Featured, Foreign Relations Law, General, National Security Law
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Soronel Haetir
Soronel Haetir

Given how ineffectual international law appears at punishing genuine abuses by powerful nations I find it very difficult to imagine a regime that could both actually get adopted and also do anything useful in this arena. Cyber espionage doesn’t necessarily even have the messy problem of having to sneak people into the target nation, and so it becomes even more a matter of information defense rather than any chance at capture and trade.

el roam
el roam

Thanks for the post . very complicated issues , one scroll can’t have it all ….. but it seems that the respectable author of that post , has ignored the simple fact , that :

More global is the plague, more chances for it, to be settled, in time, more and more globally and coherently. When it is global , and bordering crossing issue , more urging it becomes , for global settlement and international law to come in , and sort it out . ( see for exe :” United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000 “. or : ” United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances ” ) .

So, it shall take time, but finally, would become, more and more perfected and efficient, let alone, that physical means, have hardly what to do here, enhancing so, better swift cooperation between states and organizations. Thanks

el roam
el roam

Just to add, a strict and efficient example, in my comment above:

One could easily , refer ( a state party to the Rome statute for example ) and introduce to the Rome statute , a new element of crime (elements of crimes , article 9 , two – thirds majority of the members of the assembly of states parties for approval ) . Such new element, would consist of defining:

Cyber attacks , on utilities ,or essential services of a state , or even breaching civil data , as a : crime of aggression ,or crime against humanity . Not so hard to imagine , How deterring and efficient it would be . Thanks


[…] Follow Duncan on Twitter at @DuncanHollis. This post originally appeared on Opinio Juris. […]


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