Now That’s What I Call Engagement: Sudan Seeks to Hire Washington Lobbyists

Now That’s What I Call Engagement: Sudan Seeks to Hire Washington Lobbyists

The Washington Post reports that a prominent Democratic fundraiser and close ally of Senator John Kerry (chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) is seeking to be permitted to lobby on behalf of the current Sudanese government.  This may seem a little weird, and even morally distasteful, but it is another logical consequence of the engagement strategy.  As the hopeful lobbyist is quoted as saying:

“The Obama administration is talking about engagement, and we believe in that,” Crowe said in an interview. “If we can make a difference, we will. But if we get into this and determine we can’t, we’ll walk away.”

Even more fascinating.. the idea of getting Sudan a lobbyist came from Senator Kerry’s office, which sought out the lobbyist and convinced him to apply to represent Sudan.

This is another sign of where the Sudan policy is heading, and I think this, on the whole, is probably the least worst approach (although I don’t get why Sudan needs a lobbyist).  Still, I also find it fascinating that no one, not even the Post article, bothers to mention that the government of Sudan is still run by someone sought by the ICC for war crimes.    I guess that doesn’t matter much, even to the famously self-consciously multilateralist Obama Administration.

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Africa, Featured, International Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law
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Not sure but “Obama Engagement Policy” and “mutilateralist Obama Administration” seem kinda mutually exclusive to me.

M. Blommestijn
M. Blommestijn

Interesting move.. What exactly does the Obama administration say its reasonings are for this proposal (or, for that matter, its greater engagement strategy)? I can tell you’re not a fan, but would be interested to hear what the reasoning behind it is? I’m guessing the Administration doesn’t host tea-parties with world dictators just for kicks.

Post Article p. 1:
“[…] Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who has been indicted on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. […]”

Philipp Kastner
Philipp Kastner

I don’t want to propagate some conspiracy-type theories here, but I guess that the US government, despite the change of administration, has some interest in keeping relatively “good” relations with Khartoum. At least the CIA has benefited from Sudanese intelligence cooperation to “fight” terrorism and to spy on the Iraqi insurgency and Al Qaeda. In this context, you might not want to remind everyone that the Sudanese President is being wanted by this court in the Netherlands…


[…] plans to diplomatically engage with Sudan in an effort to stop the violence in Darfur.  Sudan has now hired a lobbyist, with Sen. John Kerry’s […]