Search: extraterritorial sanctions

...summit intended to improve commercial links and provide a united front on maritime disputes with Beijing. President Barack Obama’s top national security adviser Susan Rice said on Monday that she expects China will support new international sanctions on North Korea for its recent rocket launches. Europe David Cameron fended off changes on Tuesday to a draft deal he has cut to help keep Britain in the EU, as the European parliament said it could not guarantee to pass the reforms. In a European transit camp, women and girls explain why...

...they vetted this deal.” He said the project received tax-exempt bonds. “It’s being financed partly by the taxpayer, and the public has a right to know,” he said. Prokhorov’s Renaissance Capital investment bank has interests in the Zimbabwean stock exchange, banks, a cellphone company, mining and a swanky, private big-game reserve. The company is intertwined with Onexim, the $25 billion Prokhorov-controlled investment fund behind the deal to bring the struggling NBA team to Brooklyn. Pascrell said he will ask the Treasury Department, which oversees the sanctions, to investigate Onexim. In...

...five, demands that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders”, calling for a cessation of hostilities. At the same time, Lula has emphatically refused to send weapons in support of Ukraine’s war effort or join into Western sanctions against Russia. In fact, before assuming the Presidency, Lula severely criticised Western sanctions, calling it a blockade: “those who are dying are not those who are in war”, he said. In reality, the “blockade” was “not harming Russians...

...of the actor, the nature of the recipient(s), and the nature of the information. If the intent to harm a nation's security interests is present, I have trouble accepting an argument that potential criminal culpability should stop with the first non-citizen or non-government employee who receives (rather than extracts) and then further discloses a government's secrets. Of course, the biggest obstacle to prosecuting a violation of an extraterritorially applied domestic law is the lack of legitimate extraterritorial enforcement power. Merely having an applicable law on the books does not automatically...

...of any prescription drug without a valid prescription was prohibited in baseball, and even earlier under federal law. In 1971, baseball’s drug policy required compliance with federal, state, and local drug laws and directed baseball’s athletic trainers that anabolic steroids should only be provided to players under a physician’s guidance. Problem is, under traditional rules of extraterritoriality, the federal regulation of the use of performance enhancing substances does not obviously apply when such use occurs in other countries. And various sections of the Mitchell Report detail allegations of “illegal” use...

...Guantanamo are serving any of these purposes. To the extent they may be justified in this context at all, it is as the only forum in which it is possible to charge violations of the law of war – either because there is no relevant charging offense under federal criminal law, or because federal criminal law did not at the time extend to cover extraterritorial offenses. I suppose other justifications might be offered, and I’d be happy to have them. But I doubt the we-can’t-win-under-the-evidentiary-standards-in-Article-III-court rationale is one of them....

...the clergy, seemingly relying on the Holy See’s supreme power in the Church and the duty of obedience of the members of religious orders. We suggest that the Committee’s approach could be strengthened by a reflection on the role of the HS’s as the supreme power and its consequences for the scope of its obligations under the CRC; a better explanation of the ducal nature of the CRC ratification; and engaging with the broader question of extraterritorial jurisdiction in international human rights law. The Holy See, Supreme Power in the...

...their domestic rule of law, state authorities must ensure that their domestic law does not give legal effect to the basis for business activities in Israeli settlements. All business activities carried out under Israel’s illegal regime by the corporate nationals of law-abiding states would entail concrete legal risks under the company’s home-state law, insofar as those activities oblige the state to give legal effect to Israel’s internationally unlawful acts as though they were lawful. 3) The report’s recommendations to states fall short of adequately addressing foreign corporate involvement in extraterritorial...

...similar jurisprudence on the basis that the European Convention has a different scope of application provision than does the ICCPR. This is a reference to the old saw, also dismissed by the HR Committee, that the ICCPR has no extraterritorial application. But note that even if that were true, it would not be cause to deny complementarity between IHRL and IHL; it would only be cause to deny that a State has IHRL obligations when it, say, tortures people in wars on foreign lands, a position that, by the way,...

...Where the tension does come to a head, the government is faced with the obligation to either give up on its secrecy interests or else face sanctions (including the dismissal of charges). This is the prospect that we have to be worried about insofar as we push more of the burden of terrorism detention into the criminal justice system. It may be that the problem won’t actually arise often, or even at all. Or it may prove a huge obstacle in some cases. I don’t think any of us are...

The Guardian published an editorial by a Republican political operative today blaming WikiLeaks for releasing a State Department cable concerning a meeting between Tsvangirai and Susan Rice in which Tsvangirai discussed the possibility of peacefully removing Mugabe from power: Now, in the wake of the WikiLeaks’ release, one of the men targeted by US and EU travel and asset freezes, Mugabe’s appointed attorney general, has launched a probe to investigate Tsvangirai’s involvement in sustained western sanctions. If found guilty, Tsvangirai will face the death penalty. And so, where Mugabe’s strong-arming,...

[Eugene Kontorovich is a Professor of Law at Northwestern School of Law] The extraterritoriality analysis starts with piracy, which has gotten significant play in the courts of appeals’ extraterritoriality cases like Doe v. Exxon and Rio Tinto (as well as in the Kiobel oral arguments on corporate liability). Because Sosa held that piracy would be actionable under the ATS, it is clear that the battle over extraterritoriality in Kiobel will be a naval engagement. It is true that piracy occurs extraterritorially, and under the current piracy statute, can be prosecuted...