Search: drones

JordanPaust Response... " the back" is appropriate. And why a private lawsuit involving private plaintiffs and private defendants should be dismissed if the U.S. could not be held accountable by a foreign state is simply incredible. To pretend that that was "the legislative purpose" is beyond belief. There is no direct proof of such a legislative intent. Several professors have started to wonder whether Harold Koh has abandoned human rights (I had not thought so with respect to use of drones) and they will surely continue to wonder, since human...

Giorgi Nar Mr. Kenn, Thanks for updated information about the drones, this is a very interesting issue in the IHL today. Please, can you write more about the Virginia symposium, what's going on there and may be there website as well. I am very interested in this problem and want to get thorough information. Thanks in advance....

Mihai Martoiu Ticu Can individuals attack states in preemptive self-defence as well? Let's say that the Iranians expect the US to attack them in the near future, or any private individual in a country with important natural resources can expect the U.S. to invade sooner or later. Or the Pakistani's might expect that U.S. drones blow up their wedding parties. Considering that the U.S. invades or bombs a country every two years, such wars are highly probable. Or is this preemptive self-defence only an U.S. privilege? [insert here] delenda est...

...And what if he is about : 10 minutes , half day , one day interval , and what if : One week before , you take him out , knowing for sure his intention , and while preparing the explosives , you do eliminate him ( like the Israelis does with drones , or the US , or compare the elimination of Imad Mornia , responsible according to the US , to endless loss of life , in terrorist attacks in Iraq ) . So , First of all...

...view 'being paid to die and that too such a small amount' as an affront to honour. On the other hand, because the government or military get the most rents from foreign aid or military aid (by using it for their own purposes), they will respond much more to economic incentives. Hence, there is great mistrust because the costs are imposed on the population (dead from drone strikes, economic losses, insecurity etc) whilst the economic benefits go to a corrupt government - Raymond Davis and drones would provide a salient...

...governed by IHL (the Criminal Procedure Law of 2006, for example, allowed Israel to incarcerate Palestinians from the Gaza Strip suspected of criminal offences in detention facilities in Israel and to prosecute them in Israeli civil courts). Gaza (unilateral) withdrawal was a disengagement and not an end of accupation (Israeli drones monitor Gaza from the air, Israeli naval ships prevent Gazan fishermen from sailing more than 4 kilometers from shore..). On top of this, the wall and the evacuation of the ground settlements in Gaza were parts of the same...

...4) Some are crying hypocrisy for people being upset with torture under Bush but not being upset about the drones. This line of attack is another of the relentless efforts to get us to acquiesce in the torture that was done and which remains central in the military commissions that are going on in Gitmo. It is possible and some have complained about Bush crimes and Obama crimes at the same time. For me, what is more interesting is to see the continuous thread across both – these were both...

...see this post by John Robb at Global Guerillas. Robb also wonders how the ubiquity of such new surveillance tech (especially once it gets hacked and adapted) may affect "open source warfare." By the way, regarding the relationship of the Parrot to actual military drone technology, it's worth noting that while the for the Parrot uses an iPhone as a controller, MIT's Human Automation Lab has recently done a "proof of concept" for using iPhones to control new light-weight military drones. An app for military air operations? Top that, Blackberry!... our deep sorrow, thousands of women, children and unarmed men are killed and injured. In this war, as in any modern war, propaganda plays a major role. The disparity between the forces, between the Israeli army - with its airplanes, gunships, drones, warships, artillery and tanks - and the few thousand lightly armed Hamas fighters, is one to a thousand, perhaps one to a million. In the political arena the gap between them is even wider. But in the propaganda war, the gap is almost infinite. Almost all the...

...not have in advanced military technology, asymmetric warfare, and international law. “Reports” from HRW and Amnesty claiming to dissect complex battlefield events are a mix of unverifiable “eyewitness” allegations and speculation based on a few scraps of questionable (at best) information. Look at HRW’s latest bogus “report” on IDF use of drones or Amnesty's 127-pager on Gaza. A few people collecting "testimony" and looking at damage after a battle cannot possibly be able to reach the conclusions claimed by the authors. And the obsessive focus on Israel gets HRW and...

...recognition that drones 'enable a State to perform targeted killing without exercising effective control over territory and without having the individual in custody.' In so many words, the Heyns report argues that the United States cannot escape the purview of human rights law (the ICCPR included) by arguing that the jurisdictional scope of the treaties do not capture drone strikes. The same could be said for overseas surveillance. Of course, the Heyns report is hardly the last word on the subject, but there is a big push for the extra-territorial... the former Acting General Counsel of the CIA John Rizzo using the term "murder" to describe some of these drone strikes last summer. That struck me as he would hardly be a person who would not know the meaning of that word in this context. I cited to this in a posting last summer over at SALTLAW.ORG/Blog - Second, it is not the concept of signature strikes per se, but rather the criteria that are being used to determine a signature strike. My sense from what I read...