Search: drones of “necessity” in treating non-state actors, but the reciprocal obligations elaborated for soldiers turn out to mean nothing, as usual. In any case, it does not seem to me to travel outside this special circumstance. In the case of targeted killing using drones or special forces, in counterterrorism rather than part of a conventional overt conflict, or outside the overt parts of it, however, I think it is a useful and important discussion. Necessity and distinction take center stage, because the status is not self-defining through uniforms or such....

...because the US is not a party to the ICC. (Venezeula, of course, is). On the other hand, the writers glossed over the fact that “delivering” a high level US government official to the ICC’s front door does not equal a referral – the ICC has the power to determine whether its jurisdictional requirements are met under Arts. 12 & 13 of the Rome Statute. The other creative fiction of the show is that the ICC has an ongoing investigation into US activities (drones, torture, and rendition). In reality, the...

...governing their use in situations of armed conflict.” The clearest challenge to this principal today, according to the independent expert, comes from the program operated by the US Central Intelligence Agency in which targeted killings are carried out from unmanned aerial vehicles or drones. “It is clear that many hundreds of people have been killed, and that this number includes some innocent civilians. Because the program remains shrouded in official secrecy, the international community does not know when and where the CIA is authorized to kill, the criteria for individuals...

...Thai Union Group Pcl, to free its supply chains of destructive fishing practices and alleged labor abuses. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the killing of a Japanese man in Bangladesh on Saturday, in a statement posted on their official Twitter account. Europe The British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced he will be doubling the number of drones the country’s armed forces use in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The European Union should loosen its deficit rules due to extra spending caused by...

Earlier this week, Harold Koh gave a speech. And it wasn’t about conflicts, drones, or cyberwar, topics that have dominated the attention of international lawyers in recent years. Rather, Koh’s speech was a meditation on the processes of international law-making that confront the State Department on a daily basis. It was, simply put, a survey of the current international legal landscape from the U.S. perspective. Koh reviewed the formal U.S. treaty-making process, citing past victories like the New START Treaty and the Obama Administration’s continued push for Senate advice and...

Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced that the United States would give Afghanistan its own fleet of aerial surveillance drones and would speed up the handover of detainees held by American forces. The European Court of Human Rights has found in Eweida and Others v. The United Kingdom (ECHR court document) that British Airways discriminated against a devoutly Christian employee by making her remove her crucifix while at work. Libyan government documents show that Libya authorized payment of almost $200 million to Mauritania months after it extradited Libyan ex-spy chief Senussi...

...unmanned aircraft to monitor the volatile border with Rwanda and Uganda, the first time UN peacekeepers have deployed surveillance drones. France said it will start disarming fighters in the Central African Republic by force if necessary, as relative calm returned to the capital Bangui following three days of heavy fighting between Christians and Muslims. Europe The Vatican refused to provide the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child with information on the Church’s internal investigations into the sexual abuse of children by clergy, saying that its policy was to...

[ Neil Renic is a Researcher at the Centre for Military Studies at the University of Copenhagen, focusing on the changing character and regulation of armed conflict, and emerging military technologies such as armed drones and autonomous weapons. Elke Schwarz is Reader in Political Theory at Queen Mary University London, specialising in ethics of war and ethics of technology with an emphasis on unmanned and autonomous / intelligent military technologies and their impact on the politics of contemporary warfare.] A recent report by the Israeli magazine +972 on the use...

...vintage motorcycle, the film absolutely drips in nostalgia. Some technological advances are welcome, like Maverick flying a test R&D plane at Mach-10, while others, like the overreliance on drones, exemplified by Rear Admiral Cain, “The Drone Ranger,” coming to shut down Maverick’s test program and absorb these funds for his drone program, are not. Maverick, and is there a better character name to stand-in for American exceptionalism than Maverick, more than once is reminded that “The future is coming and you’re not in it.” But Maverick will not be deterred....

...Soviet rule in 1956. In a report commissioned ahead of an EU summit in December, Catherine Ashton (the EU foreign policy chief) said European governments should commit to cooperative projects in drones, a new satellite communications system, cyber defense and plugging a shortfall in air tankers. Americas The Washington Post details that the US National Security Agency has had a much bigger role in targeted killings than previously known, garnered from information that has come to light with the recent leaks by Edward Snowden. The US government shutdown has come...

[Nancy Simons is a Belgian lawyer and serves on the International Bar Association’s Drones Task Force. Her professional background lies in international law generally. She has worked at a number of international non-governmental organisations and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.] It has been almost two weeks since the United States (US) initiated several missile strikes on a Syrian airfield. From the US perspective, the justification for this use of force was that it was in response to the use of chemical weapons allegedly by the Assad regime.... of unmanned combat systems, such as drones. If the operator of an attack drone witnesses a group of enemy combatants with weapons dropped and waving a white flag, should those soldiers be considered hors de combat and no longer subject to attack? The lack of ground forces to process as POWs those who surrender has made this question a matter of some debate due to the potential for misuse. The difference in the current situation is the greater potential degree of control exercised over those aboard a ship at...