Search: Syria Insta-Symposium

...production in Tigray this year while Covid-19 concerns since March have complicated access and the availability of food. If the conflict escalates further, the UN estimates that there are nearly nine million people at high risk in and around the region. Accordingly, the crisis will not only impede the ability to provide humanitarian assistance for existing vulnerabilities, it will inevitably lead to spiking needs. For instance, the conflict has led to a cessation of efforts to control the locust swarms in Tigray, with cascading risks throughout East Africa and the...

Israel has carried out air strikes close to the Syria-Lebanese border . Donors have pledged $1.5 million to aid civilians displaced by the conflict in Syria. British PM Cameron has visited Algeria to discuss responses to the threat of terrorism. French troops have captured the last Islamist stronghold in Mali. ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda warned the Malian government over reports of human rights abuses by Malian forces. The UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday expressed regret that the Israeli government failed to send a representative to the Council’s review...

...Per The Post: “The debate has been driven by the emergence of groups in North Africa and the Middle East that may embrace aspects of al-Qaeda’s agenda but have no meaningful ties to its crumbling leadership base in Pakistan. Among them are the al-Nusra Front in Syria and Ansar al-Sharia, which was linked to the September attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya. As the article rightly explains, these are “militant groups with little or no connection to the organization responsible for the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.”...

...which raises questions endemic to the system of international criminal law. As noted above, denationalization is targeted at ‘foreign fighters’ who travelled from their states of nationality to Syria and Iraq to fight on behalf of the Islamic State (ISIS). A number of high-profile British denationalizations have captured the attention of the media, such as that of Shamima Begum as well as of Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh, the latter of whom were allegedly members of the infamous ISIS cell known as the ‘Beatles.’ Many foreign fighters, including the...

...talking about Darfur today, but people are still dying. 16. The Hariri Report and Syria. The UN steps up and investigates the assassination of a former Lebanese Prime Minister and fingers Syria. Or the UN is wishy-washy and succumbs to political pressure. As usual, we find lots to debate about on this topic. See one, two, and three. See also this follow-up. 17. Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change Enters into Force. Is Kyoto good or bad? You decide. Either way, it is now in force. 18. Israel and the ICJ’s...

...Qatar’s ambassador was summoned to Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs which considered an official Qatari press release critical of Egypt’s crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood as interference in Egypt’s internal affairs. A new Egyptian constitution is expected to pass by referendum this week. Iraq’s ambassador to the US has said that the Obama administration could do more to battle al-Qaeda in Iraq, and has praised George W. Bush’s administration. The Friends of Syria have urged Syrian opposition groups to attend peace talks in Geneva later this month. A first shipment...

...has called for a special investigation into the Houla Massacre in Syria. Foreign Policy offers an op-ed about the real reason to intervene in Syria. It’s a busy week for diplomacy with Russian President Putin in China for security talks, US Defense Secretary Panetta in India and the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Ashton travelling to Pakistan to launch the EU-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue. China’s ambassador to the UN denies that China is protecting Syrian President Assad and urges all parties to the conflict to implement Kofi Annan’s six points peace plan....

Israel has hammered the Gaza Strip in a series of airstrikes, one of which has killed Hamas’ military commander Ahmad Jabari. The United Nations Population Fund has declared contraception and family planning to be a human right having a positive effect on economic development. Unlike France, the United States has stopped short of recognizing Syria’s opposition coalition. Nigerian lawmakers have passed a bill criminalizing same-sex marriage. The International Monetary Fund is prepared to offer funds to assist in recovery in Tunisia, a country reeling from last year’s political turmoil during... gather information were circulating close to the South American country. U.S. and coalition forces are likely to increase air strikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in coming weeks after a lull in September and October, the head of U.S. Air Forces Central Command said Saturday. Wealthy Gulf Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar as well as the so-called BRICs emerging market nations should do more to help Syrian refugees, a senior U.S. official said on Friday. The Obama administration is moving to increase and...

Turkey has struck back at Syria, after a mortar attack killed five Turkish civilians in a city close to the Syrian border. In an urgent meeting, NATO has urged Syria to respect international law. Turkey has also requested a response by the UN Security Council, but Russia asked for a day delay. Four UN Peacekeepers were killed in an ambush in West Darfur. At their next meeting in mid-October, Europe’s Foreign Affairs Ministers will reportedly consider tighter sanctions on Iran, including stricter limits on Iranian Central Bank assets in European...

Islamic groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired rockets into Israel in retaliation for yesterday’s Israeli strikes in the Gaza strip. Amnesty International has reported that Rwandan military intelligence services have engaged in torture, unlawful detention and enforced disappearances of civilians . Sudanese state media reports that the border between Sudan and South Sudan will reopen today, after a security agreement was reached last month. Turkish forces fired across the border into Syria on Sunday after a shell launched from Syria landed in Turkey’s border town of Akcakale, underlining Ankara’s warning...

[Dr. Mohamed Helal is an Assistant Professor of Law at the Moritz College of Law & Affiliated Faculty at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University.] I would like to start off by thanking Opinio Juris for hosting what has evolved into something of a mini-symposium on the legality of the veto, the powers and purposes of the Security Council, and, implicitly, the values and principles underlying international law. I would also like to thank Professor Jennifer Trahan for engaging with and responding to my rejoinder...