Search: extraterritorial sanctions

...each week for these outstanding panels, but if not, do not despair, as the video will be available on the ASIL website for future use. John Hursh Stockton Center for International Law, U.S. Naval War College Call for Papers The Department of Legal Studies and the PhD Programme in European Law of the University of Bologna is pleased to announce a call for papers for a doctoral workshop on the topic of ‘The Extraterritorial Application of EU Law: A Contribution to Its Global Reach’ in Bologna on 18-19 March 2021. The scope of application...

...the above-mentioned principles of international law:  Unauthorized intrusion of airspace by aircraft; Unauthorized crossing of borders by the military forces; Extraterritorial enforcement of jurisdiction (for example, the Eichmann case); Unauthorized covert intelligence operations (for example, the “Rainbow Warrior” incident) Any unauthorized intervention in state internal affairs;  The principle of territorial integrity also contains a specific rule regarding the border itself: the inviolability of frontiers. The rule has been elaborated in multiple documents, especially in those relating to the European and post-Soviet context such as: the Helsinki Final Act of 1975... the negotiating history. . Indeed, the draft text of Article 2 under consideration by the Commission on Human Rights in 1950 would have required that states ensure ICCPR rights to everyone “within its jurisdiction.” The United States, however, proposed the addition of the requirement that the individual also be “within its territory.” Eleanor Roosevelt, the U.S. representative and then-Chairman of the Commission emphasized that the United States was “particularly anxious” that it not assume any extra-territorial obligations. She explained that “[t]he purpose of the proposed addition [is] to make...

...have seen deeper discussion of the more fundamental issues at play here. Although contractors may appear to be “integrated into combat activities” as Judge Silberman claims in his majority opinion, how truly integrated can contractor personnel be when they are not subject to military command authority with the penal sanctions faced by military members for disobeying, can quit whenever they really don’t like something they’ve been told to do or not do, and ultimately do not enjoy combatant immunity for their otherwise criminal acts? Laura’s discussion would have benefited from... is necessary to pass resolutions of a legislative character, respect for them will be enhanced by a process that ensures transparency, participation, and accountability. When the Council contemplates judicial functions, it should draw on existing institutions of international law. (v) Sanctions targeted at individuals have presented a challenge to the authority of the Council: legal proceedings have been commenced in various jurisdictions and there is evidence that sanctions are not always applied rigorously. The Council should be proactive in further improving “fair and clear procedures” to protect the rights...

Don’t worry, this post is not about President Bush’s authority to exercise “unreviewable statutory authority” in the war on terrorism. Rather, it is about how President Bush does get to exercise “unreviewable statutory authority” in the administration of U.S. trade laws. Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari in Motion Systems v. Bush, a case challenging President Bush’s decision not to impose import sanctions on certain Chinese products despite an International Trade Commission decision supporting such sanctions. (The S.G.’s Brief opposing cert is here and the lower Court of Appeals...

...banking and real estate transactions that are intended to launder illicit funds. This necessarily requires targeted use of legal and policy tools to prevent violators of IHL and their associates from profiteering from serious breaches of IHL. Some of the examples of targeted sanctions identified in Dr Mutuma’s chapter include punitive bilateral trade and investment measures against the government of South Sudan, banning the acquisition of property in Kenya and Uganda by individuals on the UN sanctions list for war crimes, as well as confiscation of the property of such...

...pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”)) and their implementing regulations enforced by OFAC. A number of Executive Orders are part of the broader U.S. sanctions framework, and extend beyond counterterrorism; quite a few of them, nonetheless, impact humanitarian organizations, as was seen in January when the M23 (an armed group active in and around parts of the DRC in which humanitarian organizations operate) was listed under both the NDAA and Executive Order 13413. Though the sanctions framework, when compared to the material support statute, has different jurisdictional... funding and assistance for documentation of SVC, and the provision of humanitarian aid and security to victims, and in the absence of Security Council sanctions to target perpetrators, international actors supporting Ukraine can ensure that their own bilateral trade, diplomatic, banking, travel and other sanctions and asset bans on individuals and the Russian state, target perpetrators of sexual violence. The UK, for instance, on 16 June 2022, included sexual violence in sanctions on four Military Colonels from the 64th Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade, a unit known to have killed,...

...reasonable doubt.” It is hard to see what is left of Butler after Labaye. As for MacKinnon, she has never repudiated the Butler approach. She has merely advocated that civil rather than criminal sanctions be employed to suppress pornography. Of course, civil sanctions can be just as repressive as criminal sanctions. The ultimate incoherence of MacKinnon’s approach is that it seeks to rely on the machinery of the patriarchal state to suppress patriarchal speech. That the actual consequence of her approach was the suppression of gay, lesbian and feminist material... considering trade sanctions against the Netherlands because of stickers printed by far-right politician Geert Wilders which display anti-Islam slogans in the colors of the Saudi flag. Russia came under heavy criticism at the WTO from several of its trading partners, who raised sharp questions over whether Moscow – one of the global trade body’s newest members – is indeed adhering to the international trade commitments that it took on less than two years ago. The West should impose tougher sanctions on Russia, which is waging a “hidden war” in...

...rather than a collection of terrorist groups/subgroups? If a parent corporation was subject to sanctions, and it opened up a wholly-owned but separately incorporated local corporation that was also deemed subject to sanctions, and then it sold ownership of that local corporation, would the local corporation be subject to sanctions? Perhaps that's not helpful, as sanctions are not equivalent to the use of force, but I would appreciate a bit more discussion of the subject. Jordan Jens: yes, it is phrased with past tense words. Interestingly also, "as he determines."...