Search: extraterritorial sanctions

...that, “Dr. Heieck uncritically accepts this conclusion.” While the Bosnian Genocide case was the starting point of my analysis, it is an unfair assessment to state that I “uncritically accepted” the Court’s conclusion regarding the extraterritorial application of the duty to prevent genocide in Article I of the Genocide Convention. On pp. 34-39 of my book, I explain in detail why the ICJ’s adoption of the “capacity to effectively influence” was appropriate (and indeed, required) with respect to satisfying the objective linkage element of the due diligence standard of the...

[Anthony J. Colangelo is an Assistant Professor of Law at SMU Dedman School of Law] I summarized in a previous post my arguments that the presumption against extraterritoriality should not apply to the ATS to the extent courts use international law incorporated into U.S. common law as the rule of decision. The presumption was raised explicitly by the brief of the UK and Dutch Governments in Kiobel and will likely be raised again. This post addresses three discrete but related issues that may arise going forward: 1. Whether the ATS’s...

...extent that state courts increasingly operate concurrently with federal courts as forums for the litigation of cases with extraterritorial elements, the disparate treatment of extraterritoriality issues under state and federal approaches becomes ever more problematic. And Kiobel seems likely to compound those problems, not only because it pushes another category of foreign-squared or -cubed cases into state court, but because it takes the federal law of extraterritoriality in a direction increasingly incompatible with state conflicts approaches. What do I mean by this? I see two main ways in which Kiobel’s... and here). Amid all these, an extraterritorial human rights obligation of China has remained somehow overlooked. The intra-territorial responses made by China to the coronavirus crisis specifically, and its (mis)handling of the sale and trade of live wildlife in general, failed to contain the transmission of a deadly virus across the world and, for the reasons set out below, are grossly incompatible with the country’s human rights obligations that are extraterritorial in nature. A brief outline of China’s extraterritorial health obligations States parties to the International Covenant on Civil...

required from Congress or whether legislative intent to regulate extraterritoriality can be ascertained in other ways, the Court’s decision seems a step in the right direction. A patchwork of incompatible rules has governed issues of extraterritoriality. Although many scholars are nervous about a broad reading of the presumption against extraterritoriality, Morrison reaffirms the continuing importance of that canon of construction and should therefore make it easier for lower courts to apply. More importantly, the case should temper the excesses of a broadly read effects test, which in recent years has...

[Chimène I. Keitner, Associate Professor of Law, University of California, Hastings College of the Law; Co-Chair, American Society of International Law Annual Meeting] United States courts are not alone in confronting the question of whether certain domestic rights extend beyond the country’s territorial borders. Yet, the field of comparative constitutional law has largely ignored the question of extraterritoriality. My Article, Rights Beyond Borders, addresses that gap by examining recent case law from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom—three common law countries whose courts have grappled with claims by...

and Consumer Protection Act that was passed out of a House-Senate Conference Committee last week seems to provide just the clear statement of congressional intent for extraterritorial jurisdiction of securities law cases that the Court in Morrison was demanding. Assuming no hiccups, that bill should reach President Obama’s desk any day now. Starting on p. 1330 of this version, (b) EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE ANTIFRAUD PROVISIONS OF THE FEDERAL SECURITIES LAWS.— (1) UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933.— Section 22 of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77v(a)) is...

...beatings; sleep deprivation; sensory deprivation; forced nudity; stress positions; sexual assault; mock executions; humiliation; hooding; isolated detention; and prolonged hanging from the limbs. All of the Plaintiffs are innocent Iraqis who were ultimately released without ever being charged with a crime. They all continue to suffer from physical and mental injuries caused by the torture and other abuse. CCR makes a strong argument in the relevant brief that Al Shimari is precisely the rare ATS lawsuit that can survive Kiobel. First, CCR argues that Kiobel‘s presumption against extraterritorial application of...

Opinio Juris and EJIL: Talk! are happy to announce that over the next few days we will both be hosting a discussion of Marko Milanovic’s recently published book: Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: Law, Principles and Policy (Oxford Univ Press). Marko’s book examines the question when a State owes human rights obligations under a treaty to persons located outside its territory. This is a question on which there has been conflicting case law and much confusion. This [book] attempts to clear up some of this confusion, and expose its...

...secondary boycotts. Yet some of the same scholars who embrace restraints on those categories of exertions by individual states or coalitions of the willing” appear to see national courts’ exercises of extraordinary extraterritorial jurisdiction, nullifications of the immunity of foreign officials, and creative circumventions of nullum crimen sine lege as not only exempt from the pitfalls of such unilateral executive measures, but actually as a peace-building and law-developing alternative to such executive measures. This is a fundamental mistake. Extraterritorial prosecution of foreign-state actors and forcible impositions upon foreign political communities...

...extraterritorial safeguards against torture, accountability for extraterritorial acts of torture, non-refoulement, and rules pertaining to the prohibition in times of armed conflict. A flyer is attached with additional information about the report and the side-event. The flyer is also available here. On the occasion of the publication of the second edition of Helen Duffy’s book ”The War on Terror’ and the Framework of International Law’ the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, in cooperation with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague and the International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Platform, proudly present...

willing to make more concessions, such as the possible need to exhaust local remedies. The bad news is that the swing Justices did not appear to be buying the argument that the arrows currently in the quivers of the courts are enough to limit the reach of the ATS. As for extraterritoriality, Hoffmann’s key argument was that the presumption against extraterritoriality is overcome where the purpose of the statute requires its extraterritorial application. The presumption, he argued, “would undermine the very purposes of the statute” which is “the best evidence...