
[Mischa Gureghian Hall is a Researcher and Senior Status student in Law at the University of Oxford, University College, and a Legal Assistant at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals.] On 25 October 2024, Ukraine deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute with the UN Secretary-General, completing the process of ratification of the statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) which...

[Dr. Alonso Gurmendi is a Fellow in Human Rights and Politics at LSE and a contributor editor at Opinio Juris Dr. Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli is a Researcher of International Law at the University of Cagliari and today’s Dungeon Master Dr. Juliana Santos de Carvalho is the Isaac Newton Trust Academic Career Development Fellow in Gender Studies and Human, Social, and Political Sciences at...

[Maria Pilar Llorens holds a PhD in Law and Social Sciences and teaches International Public Law at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Dr Silvina Sánchez Mera teaches law and criminology at Robert Gordon University.] In the early 1970s, when asked about Mafalda, writer Julio Cortázar answered: ‘That does not matter at all. What is important...

[Michael Randall is a Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, Glasow, teaching two modules at undergraduate level which concern the representation of law in media] Cinema has a long history of depicting war on screen. As Knecht observes, war films are nearly as old as the business of cinema, identifying, for example, that even the highly controversial Birth of...

[Ramón Barreto Pirela (LLM Public International Law) is a Venezuelan lawyer, political scientist and PhD candidate in social sciences at Oslo Metropolitan University] 2024 is an Olympic year. This centenary sporting event is constantly adapting, as it is not exempt from international matters such as apartheid or aggression. In our 21st Century world, where mobility is a defining feature, sports find...

[Luis Mauricio Bulnes is a Professor of International Relations at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (Perú), a Peruvian diplomat and lawyer] All the views and opinions expressed in this article are personal and do not reflect the views or official positions of any of the authors employers.  The album Brat by Charli XCX, released in 2024, was enthusiastically received by both critics and the...

[Dr Ilaria Infante is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law at the Department of Law, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”] Introduction Fullmetal Alchemist (original title Hagane no Renkinjutsushi) is a popular manga series by Japanese mangaka (the Japanese word for manga artist) Hiromu Arawaka, published in Japan between 2001 and 2010 and translated in several languages. It was also adapted in...

[Laurence Teillet is a PhD Candidate at Nottingham Law School, focusing on environmental activists prosecutions and convictions for piracy. With LLMs in International and Comparative Environmental Law, and Natural Resources Law, her research interests primarily lie in International Environmental Law and the Law of the Sea.] EPIC: The Musical is a creative reimagining of Homer’s Odyssey by Jorge Rivera-Herrans. The story follows Odysseus as he struggles to return...

[Fatima Ahdash is an Assistant Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar. Previously, Fatima was a Lecturer in Law at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research interests lie in national security, family law, child rights and human rights and their various interactions. She holds a PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE).] [Safaa Sadi Jaber is an S.J.D. Candidate at...

[Dr Shannon Zimmerman is a lecturer with Deakin University. Her research investigates peace and stability operations, specifically how peacekeepers protect civilians in conflict environments characterised by asymmetric threats.] Introduction If pop culture is the audio-visual result of politics, then Doctor Who, the long-running science fiction series, provides prescient political commentary on evolution of the moral and legal arguments around humanitarian intervention. Premiering in 1963, Doctor Who follows...

[Carla Riera González is a legal advisor at Avocats Sans Frontières Canada in Guatemala, where she works with the defense team of victims of the Mayan ixil genocide, as well as of criminalized human rights defenders, together with the Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos. She is also an Academic Collaborator at ESADE Law School.] Introduction “I volunteer! I volunteer as  tribute!” – These...

[Jack Provan was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and is currently working on his PhD in International Criminal Law at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany.] Denis Villeneuve’s recent film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s novel Dune has returned sandworms, spice, and galactic warfare to the popular zeitgeist. It was also adapted into a film in 1984 by David Lynch, but the less said...