
Law and Boundaries is an interdisciplinary yearly conference that aims to discuss and propose new perspectives on the challenges the legal discipline is facing regarding its object, its function, its theoretical foundations and its practical outcomes. The organizers are calling scholars from all disciplines to submit their abstracts (250-300 words) before March 14th, 2014. Abstracts are accepted in English and in French. Please...

Calls for Papers The Center of Excellence “PluriCourts” at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, is organizing an international symposium on the Legitimate Role(s) of Human Rights Courts and Tribunals in Adjudicating Environmental Disputes in Oslo, 8 and 9 September 2014. Please send your abstract (word limit 500 words) to Deadline is 1 May 2014. Notification of acceptance will...

Calls for Papers TDM is calling for papers for a special issue on "The Pacific Rim and International Economic Law: Opportunities and Risks of the Pacific Century". The formidable scale and pace of economic and legal development in the Pacific Rim region offers considerable opportunities, but also carries certain risks. The forthcoming Pacific Rim TDM Special Issue will collect views of experienced...

Calls for Papers The University of Cagliari (Italy), Department of Public Law and Social Studies has issued a call for papers with the theme of Conceptualising Accountability in International Economic Law. The University welcomes ”submissions that describe new (previously unpublished) cutting-edge research in the following focus areas : Accountability and Law of International Development Banks; Accountability and WTO Law; Accountability and International...

I had the great pleasure the last several months to serve on ASIL's Book Awards Committee (along with Jutta Brunnée, Jean d’Aspremont, Saira Mohamed, and a very well organized chair in Jacob Cogan).  I'm pleased to announce that the Society's Executive Council has selected three winners for 2014 based on our nominations.  The winners (plus the Committee's accompanying citation) are as follows: Certificate...

Calls for Papers The ICTBEL Organising Committee has now issued a call for papers to be presented in June 2014 conference, which will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. International Confer­ence on Trade, Business and Economic Law (ICTBEL) provides an opportunity for academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers with different backgrounds and experience to present their papers in the...

Calls for Papers The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London is organizing a workshop on National Security and Public Health as exceptions to Human Rights' on 29th May 2014 and is now calling for papers. The Institute is honoured to announce that the keynote speaker will be Professor Malcolm Dando who will speak on "Threats of dual use...

[I am passing along this reminder of the upcoming registration deadline on behalf of ILA President Ruth Wedgwood since many of our readers are likely to attend this meeting.] Register by February 7, 2014 to snap up the advantageous “Early-Bird Rate”– saving $160 over the walk-up rate– for the historic joint meeting between the 150-year-old global International Law Association and the American Society of International Law, running April 7-12, 2014. ...

Calls for Papers This serves as a reminder that the deadline for submissions for the 2014 Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law Conference is fast-approaching. The original deadline has been extended to 29 January 2014. Please also note that the keynote address will be given by Judge Kenneth Keith of the International Court of Justice. For more information, please click here (.pdf). Transnational Legal Theory publishes...

Calls for Papers The European Society of International Law's IEL group is holding a workshop on Sept 3, 2014 in Vienna. Their Call for Papers can be found here. Please note the 1st March deadline to submit proposals. The Organizing Committee of the 2014 Society of Legal Scholars' PhD Conference, to be held at the University of Nottingham on 8th of September, 2014, are inviting the submission...

Oliver Windridge has started ACtHPR Monitor, a forum for news, comment and debate on the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights. Its first article is an in-depth interview with the court's Registrar, Dr. Robert Eno. The website also contains an introduction to the court and our Country Tracker, designed to give prospective applicants and other interested parties a quick reference on the court's jurisdiction....

The Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (CJICL) will hold its Third Annual Conference on May 10-11, 2014 at the St John’s College Divinity School, University of Cambridge. This conference will explore approaches that question the traditional state-centric view of international and comparative law. The idea of universality suggests that international law applies equally and indiscriminately across domestic legal systems,...