August 2013

This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin continued his discussion of the al-Bahlul amicus brief started last week. He pointed out how the Prosecution had disclaimed JCE before the trial and the military commission was asked not to consider this mode of liability, making its invocation in the amicus brief unacceptable in his opinion. Kevin pointed out that JCE was also rejected...

[David Benger is a student of Political Science at Brandeis University and International law at the Grotius Center for International Legal Studies at the University of Leiden. David can be reached at] One of the central debates surrounding the International Criminal Court has been the battle between the rights of the accused and the interests of justice. This discussion has been...

After much agonizing,I have reluctantly decided to discontinue my weekly analysis of Crossing Lines. Sadly, the last two episodes of the show have almost scrupulously avoided the ICC; mentions were limited to throwaway dialogue ("I'm with the ICC") or logos on computer screens. Even worse, the most recent episode featured a brief but completely accurate discussion of the Rwandan genocide...

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has found fresh evidence of "double-tap" strikes by the US in Pakistan; a double-tap is a second drone strike that deliberately targets rescuers at the scene of a previous drone strike. Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangarai has labeled results of the recent presidential election which he lost a "sham" and has accused his opponent, President Robert...