Weekend Roundup: August 3-9, 2013

Weekend Roundup: August 3-9, 2013

This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin marvelled at Libya’s flexible approach to time. He also posted NASA’s visualization of the warming world since 1880, which Chris followed up on with a discussion of a recent report linking climate change to a surge in armed conflicts.

In our Emerging Voices series, Gilad Noam discussed three ways of conceptualizing admissibility challenges at the ICC, and the implications for the burden and standard of proof. Robert C. Clarke submitted that perpetration by means can exist in consonance with customary law rather than in spite of itAqsa Mahmud compared the different role and the limits,of the R2P doctrine in the Libyan and Syrian conflicts, and Marta Bo compared piracy with core crimes to examine the juxtaposition between transnational and international crimes.

We also listed events and announcements and Jessica provided you with her daily news wraps.

Thank you to our guest contributors and have a nice weekend!


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