What Is a Black Swan Event?

What Is a Black Swan Event?

(Update: On a more serious note, Stuart Benjamin at Volokh discusses whether Gingrich saying he would appoint Bolton as Secretary of State violated any law, as has been argued around the blogosphere; Benjamin says no law violated.)

One of my Business Associations students asked me what a “black swan event” is – I think she read it in a Wall Street Journal article.  The following is a “cascading” black swan event:

  • Newt Gingrich becomes the Republican candidate in 2012.
  • Newt Gingrich wins presidency in 2012.
  • Newt Gingrich somehow recalls impetuous campaign promise to appoint John Bolton as Secretary of State.
  • US Senate magically becomes filibuster proof Republican in 2012 election.
  • US Senate okays John Bolton as Secretary of State.
  • John Bolton reads Ken Anderson’s book on US-UN relations appearing just in time for big Republican primaries in 2012, concluding that it will be his user manual.
  • John Bolton especially likes part where Anderson describes Bolton’s work on UN reform in 2005.
  • John Bolton writes, in Claremont Review of Books, glowing review of Anderson’s “Living With the UN” (penciling in an addendum, “Or Not.”).
  • President Gingrich, at Secretary Bolton and Vice-President Bachman’s urging, nominates Anderson for US ambassador to UN.
  • Anderson is approved by the Senate.
  • World ends.
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To some Europeans, I imagine the following could also be added to the list:

* Brilliant international law professor writes book praising John Bolton’s work on UN reform