Turning the Page

Turning the Page

Over at Volokh Conspiracy, I have some purely political comments – ie, criticism from a conservative stance – of President Obama’s speech last night.  I’m not cross-posting it here because it doesn’t really have a link to international law as such, but perhaps some readers might be interested.

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Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

A US President does not have the luxury of a global nap – we saw some of that in the “peace dividend” debates after the fall of the Soviet Union.  As that great international law scholar Roseanne Roseannadanna said, “It’s always something.”

I find the diffidence about the meaning of the Iraq War as expressed by the soldiers and the President a fascinating rejection of jingoistic “Mission Accomplished” fantasies of being “George of Arabia”.  The slogging ahead in Iraq will be difficult and terrible for years to come.  I can imagine a discussion some time in the future in the US Congress or a Presidential debate about “Who lost Iraq?” as if we ever owned Iraq.  Mark my words – you saw it here first.


Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

See Krauthammer setting up the “Who lost Iraq?” and/or “Who lost Afghanistan?” visions seen in today’s Toledo Blade.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/02/AR2010090203991.html?sub=AR


Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

Someone who lost a son in Iraq gives us a more powerful statement about Iraq than anyone I have seen

