In the category of advertisements for myself ... Julian was kind enough to mention that EJILTalk is hosting a discussion of an article of mine called The Rise of International Criminal Law, which appeared in EJIL last year as part of its 20th anniversary issues. It was a relatively short, but wide-ranging essay trying to assess, twenty years on, where ICL has gone and is likely to go, on a whole series of otherwise unrelated issues. EJIL ran a response in the print edition by Amrita Kapur, and in addition responses at the online blog by her and by Brad Roth. I have finally
managed to get a response together, which is quite long and will run in three posts. The other responses are linked at the beginning of that post, as well. I have to thank publicly EJILTalk for running such a long response, which in many ways is practically a new essay - but especially Amrita Kapur and Brad Roth for reading so closely and with such nuance my original article. I'm very grateful to them for so much close reading and thought. Below the fold is a bit from my response.