February 2010

[Associate Professor Maxine Burkett is the Director of the Center for Island Climate Adaption and Policy at the William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai'i at Manoa.] With the uncertain — and deeply disappointing — conclusion of the COP15, one thing has become crystal clear: states and vulnerable communities must explore alternative avenues to address the climate crisis and...

The UN's new temporary quarters, during renovations, are not too popular with the staff. For the next four years, the United Nations' nerve center, including Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's office, will be situated in a squat, three-story, corrugated steel building on the U.N.'s north lawn that looks like a cross between a suburban big-box store and a high-security lockup facility. Bantánamo, a nickname embraced...

Last Thursday, February 4, the Lieber Society of the ASIL (the laws of war interest section) sponsored a program at ASIL's Tillar House in DC to discuss the draft model manual on air and missile warfare that has been slowly evolving through the "Alabama process" and the International Humanitarian Law Research Initiative based at Harvard University.  Claude Bruderlein, director of...

We are delighted to introduce the inaugural online symposium issue of the Melbourne Journal of International Law ('MJIL') hosted by Opinio Juris. We would like to thank Opinio Juris, and Kevin Jon Heller in particular, for inviting us to participate in this partnership. We hope that this partnership contributes to the global reach of Opinio Juris by providing an Asia-Pacific...

The Administration and Personnel Division at the International Court of Justice has asked us to inform our readers that the Court is looking to hire new clerks.  According to the announcement, the General Assembly has assigned the Court six additional clerkship positions, permitting each judge to have a full-time clerk of his or her own.  The vacancy announcement can be...

Eight Oscar nominations and accolades at the Museum of Tolerance -- not a bad week for Mr. Tarantino: Last night at a special community screening at The Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance, internationally renowned rabbi Marvin Hier addressed the film’s growing cultural significance among a panel that included Tarantino, ‘Basterds’ producer Lawrence Bender, actor Eli Roth ...

The NY Times Opinionator has a nice roundup of lefty-blog reaction to the Obama Administration's claim of the legal authority to kill and assassinate U.S. citizens abroad (and its admission to having already done so). Most lefty-blogs seem unconcerned about this policy, with the notable exception of Glenn Greenawald. From a legal perspective, the relative lack of outrage among the...