RIP, Ian Brownlie

RIP, Ian Brownlie

I have just been informed that Sir Ian Brownlie, one of the true legends of international law, has died in a car crash in Egypt.  I have no other information, as it has apparently not been reported yet.

Tremendously sad news.  I’m sure we will have much more information in the coming days.

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Kenneth Anderson

That is terribly sad.  Ave atque vale.


[…] to a report by Kevin Jon Heller on Opinio Juris, the well known international legal scholar and practitioner Professor Sir Ian Brownlie, CBE, QC, […]

Dr. A. Sudhakara Reddy
Dr. A. Sudhakara Reddy


It is sad news .  An outstanding scholar and practitioner whose untimely demise is a great loss to the field of international law world over.

Dan Joyner

This is shocking and very sad news. I did not know Sir Ian personally, but even so this is very sad. I think of him as one of the great men of our profession. Whenever I want to know ‘what the law is’ I go to Brownlie.  His authoritative presence at the center of international law will be missed.
Dan Joyner

Dabiru Sridhar Patnaik
Dabiru Sridhar Patnaik

 Sir Ian Brownlie’s death is tragic and deeply saddening. His untimely demise has deprived the world of international law a truly great scholar. Ian is a legend in international law and formidable impact of his scolarship will endure many generations in international law.


‘Brownlie’ is one of the few names that manages to placate my feelings of rage when I notice the $100 price tag on a text I want, because I know that his mark is a stamp of credibility and a guarantee of value.  With the passing of Thomas Franck last year and now the loss of Prof. Brownlie the international legal community is so much worse for wear.