Tommy Crocker Guest-Blogging

Tommy Crocker Guest-Blogging

Tommy Crocker, who teaches constitutional law and criminal procedure at the University of South Carolina School of Law, will be guest-blogging with us for the next two weeks.  Tommy writes on a variety of issues, including torture and the First Amendment.  His work has appeared the UCLA Law Review, the Texas Law Review, Fordham Law Review, and the peer-reviewed Law & Literature.  He is currently working on a book project in constitutional theory that is provisionally entitled, The Constitution as Ethical Life.

I have no idea what Tommy intends to blog about — but I know that, whatever it is, it will be interesting.  On behalf of all of us at OJ, welcome, Tommy!

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Patrick S. O'Donnell

In particular, I would recommend to Opinio Juris readers his book review essay, “Torture, with Apologies,” Texas Law Review, Vol. 86, No. 3, 2008: and his article, “Overcoming Necessity: Torture and the State of Constitutional Culture,” Southern Methodist University Law Review, Vol. 61, No. 2, 2008:
Both of these pieces are excellent and deserving of attention from anyone concerned with the moral, legal and political questions of torture in liberal (capitalist) democracy in general and the U.S. in particular.

Patrick S. O'Donnell

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Kenneth Anderson

Welcome Professor Crocker, delighted to have you with us!

Tommy Crocker

Thank you Kevin, Ken, and Patrick.  It is a delight to be with you all!!