December 2008

A number of readers have e-mailed to ask why, given my interest in all things ICTY, I have not said anything about the Karadzic case.  The answer is relatively simple: I have been serving for the past two months as one of Dr. Karadzic's primary legal advisers, which raises a number of complicated issues vis-a-vis blogging.  On the one hand,...

They're not calling it that, but on April 24, 2009, Yale Law School is sponsoring a conference, Realistic Idealism in International Law, in honor of international law-giant W. Michael Reisman.  Here's an excerpt from the conference announcement: Professor Reisman is the Myres S. McDougal Professor of International Law at Yale Law School, where he has been on the faculty since 1965....

As you probably know, the hugely distinguished Professor Christopher Greenwood of the LSE has joined the ICJ, thus occasioning the following job notice by the LSE (and many thanks to the great International Law Reports blog): The Department of Law, a world-leading centre for research and teaching in legal studies and interdisciplinary approaches to law, seeks to appoint a new Professor...

The European Journal of International Law has started a blog EJIL:Talk!, which promises to be an influential addition to the international legal blogosphere. In an introductory e-mail, JHH Weiler, the EJIL Editor in Chief wrote: The decision to experiment with a blog – and an experiment it is – was decidedly not a bandwagon effect – they all have it, so should...

In case anyone is interested, here is the text of my Fall 2008 final exam in International Business Transactions.  (It's over at my much neglected home blog.)  I don’t think this was my greatest exam drafting exercise - I’ve done better in past years.  Actually, to be perfectly frank, I think it is not very good at all; I liked...

International Anti-Corruption Day is sanctioned by the UN as a day to increase awareness of corruption and its effects upon governance and public life.  I realize that today's events in Chicago raise the possibilities of some heavy-handed irony - but actually, I'm pleased in a quite un-ironic way.  If one has to have the phenomenon of this day for this,...