Treaties Aren’t That Funny

Treaties Aren’t That Funny

Surely, we can come up with a funnier list of treaties than this. Or, perhaps not. As I first noted on joining Opinio Juris, international law jokes are far and few between. Of course, given my initial foray into that arena, I’m not sure I’m well suited to changing this fact. But, perhaps some of our readers may have something to add to this nascent area of international legal discourse?

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Chris Borgen

I know it’s not a treaty and I know its work is important, but I have to admit that the other WTO makes me smile…

Antonin I. Pribetic

Here’s a few which might raise a chuckle:

The Treaty of Perpetual Peace (1502) (treaty broken in 1513)

The Treaty of Nonsuch (1585) (Philip II took the treaty as a declaration of war against him by Elizabeth I of England-not so “nonsuch”, I guess)

The Treaty of Worms (1743) (ironically, not a treaty dealing with fishing boundaries)

The Eden Agreement (1786) (should have been called “Eden II” if the Old Testament version is historically accurate)

Some other mildly amusing treaty names:

The Treaty of Finckenstein (1807)

The Treaty of Titalia (1817)

Batman’s Treaty (1835)

Point No Point Treaty (1855)
