June 2007

I just noticed this decision yesterday by the Canadian Supreme Court holding that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms generally does not apply to searches and seizures in foreign countries, even those that eventually result in evidence that is used in a trial of a Canadian citizen. I'm far from knowledgeable about Canadian law, but it does seem...

Things just keep getting worse for Chiquita Brands International, Inc. Yesterday, families of victims killed by a right-wing Colombia terrorist group (the United Self Defence Forces of Colombia or AUC) sued Chiquita in D.C. federal court alleging Chiquita is responsible or at least liable for the AUC's actions. As Kevin noted a few months ago, Chiquita, the U.S. banana giant,...

There has been a lot of buzz on the blogosphere (see here, here, and here) about this article by Jason Nance and Dylan Steinberg in which they outline the results of a national survey they conducted on the law review article selection process. Any law professor who has an interest in top placement of their articles in student law journals (i.e.,...

Like Roger, I’m teaching abroad this summer, spending June in Rome as part of Temple Law’s Summer in Rome Program (I’m joined by my fellow blogger, Dave Hoffman of Concurring Opinions, whose the photographer of record for this trip). We’ve got almost 80 students from around the United States in the program, taking classes such as International Dispute Resolution,...

This is priceless — and uncannily insightful about the demonization of anyone who has the temerity to question the Bush administration's policies:WASHINGTON, DC — Breaking a 211-year media silence, retired Army Gen. George Washington appeared on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday to speak out against many aspects of the way the Iraq war has been waged. Washington, whose appearance marked the...

I guess I should've held my breath after all -- the Justice Department announced today that it will appeal Judge Cardone's decision to set Posada free:One month after a stinging loss, the Justice Department Tuesday appealed a Texas federal judge's dismissal of immigration fraud charges against Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles. In May, U.S. District Judge Kathleen Cardone threw out...

In its relentless quest to recover the underseas treasure recently found by a Florida-based company, the Spanish government has instructed its Navy, pursuant to a court order, to detain to U.S. ships belonging to that company. Those ships are currently in Gibraltar, but apparently, they will be boarded and seized as soon as they leave Gibraltar and enter...

Over at International Law Reporter, Professor Jacob Cogan points out that the Neutrality Act has been invoked a bit more frequently than I suggested in my earlier post on the subject. For a discussion of other cases invoking the Act, check out his post as well as his very useful blog. ...

Uganda's President recently suggested that rebel Lord's Resistance Army leaders should opt for alternative Ugandan justice as a way of avoiding their arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court. Peace talks to end the ongoing civil war in northern Uganda have been affected by the ICC warrants for the four LRA leaders. According to Reuters, one alternative ritual would...