August 2006

The Yale Journal of International Law has issued a call for papers for their fifth annual Young Scholars’ Conference. The full announcement and submission information can be found in a link from this page. The conference theme is The “New” New Haven School: International Law—Past, Present & Future and it is scheduled for March 2007. They describe it...

I know that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of former Nazis still roaming the earth -- but I never thought that their ranks would include a Nobel laureate and anti-war icon. So this certainly came as a suprise: Gunter Grass, Germany's greatest living author and doyen of the left, has confessed that he was a teenage member of...

Professor Mariano-Florentino ("Tino") Cuellar at Stanford Law School has an interesting article forthcoming in the Georgetown Journal of International Law on an unusual subject: refugee security. The title of the article is Refugee Security and the Organizational Logic of Legal Mandates. The abstract and article are available for download here. Cuellar presents a compelling case for...

Recent Yale Law School grad and proto-law professor Ariel Lavinbuk has a useful piece in Slate reviewing the still ongoing constitutional challenge to the Chapter 19 NAFTA dispute resolution process. The constitutional issue is a good one, but I was under the impression that the recent settlement of the lumber dispute between the U.S. and Canada would require the...

Each year, pursuant to the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, the Department of State submits to Congress a report on countries' efforts to eliminate human trafficking. The report divides countries into three tiers, with Tier 1 including countries that have made significant efforts to comply with U.S. law's minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking in persons, and Tier 3 including...

What a difference a year makes. Lionel Beehner at the Council on Foreign Relations has some interesting thoughts on the one-year anniversary of the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "One year later, President Ahmadinejad has emerged as one of the world's leading anti-American voices. His rhetoric has inflamed an already tense Middle East and empowered the region's Shiites...

This report from the Bahrain News Agency doesn't bode well -- especially the highlighted clause:Tehran, Aug. 13, (BNA) Iranian Oil Minister, Khadim Waziri and his Iraqi counterpart, Hossein Shahrastani, signed here on Sunday a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the oil field. Iran News Agency (IRNA) said the Mou stipulated that Iran should supply Iraq with kerosene and liquefied...

One of the most interesting aspects of the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701 is what it might mean for the future of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. There are several provisions of U.N. Resolution 1701 that I find of particular importance as they relate to the future of Hezbollah: The Security Council ...

Courtesy of Arms & Influence, here is the actual Powerpoint slide created by Joint Task Force IV to depict the political outcome that was supposed to result from the invasion of Iraq: Apparently, Powerpoint presentations were the norm during the Defense Department's "planning" for the Iraq war. From Thomas Ricks' new book, Fiasco:[Army Lt. General David] McKiernan had another, smaller...