
[John Quigley is Professor Emeritus at the Moritz College of Law of The Ohio State University.] On June 25, the State Department tweeted on its Near East Affairs account, “US policy regarding the Golan has not changed, and reports to the contrary are false.” The tweet came in reaction to a report by the Washington Free Beacon that President Joe Biden intended...

Myssana Morany is an advocate and the Coordinator of Land and Planning Unit at Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel and principal author of Adalah’s report: Protecting Human Rights During a State of Emergency: The Supreme Court’s Role at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Crisis (forthcoming). This symposium consists of a series of blogs authored by the different...

Myssana Morany is an advocate and the Coordinator of Land and Planning Unit at Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel and principal author of Adalah’s report: Protecting Human Rights During a State of Emergency: The Supreme Court’s Role at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Crisis (forthcoming). This symposium consists of a series of blogs authored by...

Dan Mafora is a Research Officer at the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC). This symposium consists of a series of blogs authored by the different panelists of a webinar hosted by the International Commission of Jurists titled “COVID-19 and Courts: A Global Trend of Judicial Deference?" In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and following the lead of...

Events International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg Academy): The International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg Academy) is pleased to announce that the registration for the Nuremberg Forum 2021 is now open. The forum will take place online on 15 and 16 October 2021. Dedicated to marking the 70th anniversary of the Nuremberg Principles, the conference will examine the Nuremberg Principles today. It will...

[Dr. Natalie Alkiviadou is a Senior Research Fellow at Justitia (Denmark) working on the Future of Free Speech Project. She is co-author to some of the Justitia reports discussed in this piece.] Four point two billion people are active social media users. This has given voice to previously marginalized groups. At the same time, however, extremism, hatred and abuse have become part and parcel of this reality. This...

[Aldo Zammit Borda is Head of Research and Investigation at the Uyghur Tribunal; Stefan Mandelbaum is a Senior Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University and Marilena Stegbauer is Assistant to Counsel at the Uyghur Tribunal.] Wherever allegations of mass human rights violations emerge, like in the recent case of the Uyghurs and other Turkic minorities in Xinjiang, the legitimate expectation is that the primary authority...

[Thomas Bickl researches dispute resolution issues with regard to the EU’s neighbourhood policy in Northern and Western Europe, EU enlargement in the Western Balkans, and Law of the Sea issues. His book on the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia and its implications for EU enlargement was published by Springer in 2020.] The European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK)...

[Eian Katz is a Legal and Policy Analyst at Canmore Company. He previously served as Counsel at Public International Law and Policy Group.] Earlier this month, the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC) released a statement on “The Regulation of Information Operations and Activities,” marking an important step in the global effort to reckon with the implications for international law of disruptive forms of online...

Events Extraterritoriality in International Law Conference: Cedric Ryngaert (Utrecht University) and Austen Parrish (Indiana University Bloomington) are pleased to announce a conference on "Extraterritoriality in International Law" on 15-17 September 2021. The Conference will be held over Zoom (the registration link can be found here) and are scheduled to accommodate speakers from a wide-range of time zones. There are approximately 38...