Public International Law

Photo credit: Gaël Grilhot/RFICaption:  The President of the Special Criminal Court, Michel Landry Louanga, opens the Court's inaugural session on 22 October 2018. [Julian Elderfield is an international lawyer and worked in Bangui, Central African Republic for  the Special Prosecutor of the Special Criminal Court from 2019-2021. Previously, he worked in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court....

Photo credit: Gaël Grilhot/RFICaption:  The President of the Special Criminal Court, Michel Landry Louanga, opens the Court's inaugural session on 22 October 2018. [Julian Elderfield is an international lawyer and worked in Bangui, Central African Republic for  the Special Prosecutor of the Special Criminal Court from 2019-2021. Previously, he worked in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court....

[Faraz Shahlaei is an Adjunct Professor/J.S.D. Candidate at Loyola Law School, Los Angeles and one of the authors of this communication] Photo credit: Mufid Majnun Introduction In 2016, two reports of the Independent Person appointed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to investigate allegations of State-sponsored doping of Russian athletes during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games (first report, second report) revealed that...

[Sara Elizabeth Dill, Esq. is a partner at Anethum Global, a Certified Financial Crime Specialist & Certified Global Sanctions Specialist, and Arab Region Liaison Officer, International Bar Association War Crimes Committee.]   The original drafters of targeted and individualized sanctions regimes had the intent to pressure authoritarian dictators and human rights abusers to end their vile practices, through economic and financial pressures....

International law has famously “turned to history”. Since then, what I like to call the “foundational myth” of international law has been poked, prodded, re-evaluated and re-told in powerful, unsettling and insightful ways. The publicist’s relation with their own discipline is no longer the same, and the colonial, often violent, roots of the rules we rely on every day, are increasingly more exposed and open...

Call for Papers Call for papers: Online workshop for UNWCC researchers 28 May 2021: The United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC), which operated from 1943-48, was a UN agency that supported localised prosecutions of international crimes committed during the Second World War. The Commission was composed of representatives from 16 Allied States and through its work war crimes and crimes against...

[Álvaro Rueda Rodríguez-Vila is a graduate in law (Bachelor, UNED) and in human rights (LL.M., Maastricht University).] On February 4, 2021 the International Court of Justice (ICJ or the Court) rendered its decision on the Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v United Arab Emirates) (here). In this decision, the Court ruled...

[Moisés Montiel is a lawyer advising individuals, companies, and States on matters of international law, human rights, and other international areas at Lotus Soluciones Legales. @moisesmontielm] Alex Saab, a Colombian national and businessman, decided to throw his lot in with the Maduro administration in Venezuela and is currently awaiting a decision by the Supreme Court of Cabo Verde on whether...

[Katayoun Hosseinnejad is a visiting lecturer of international law at Allameh Tabataba’i University and senior researcher at Bulan Institute for Peace Innovations (@katayoonhnejad).] [Pouria Askary is an associate professor of international law at Allameh Tabataba’i University (@askarypouria).] On 3 February 2021, the ICJ for the third and the last time reviewed the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights between...

By Tim Fish Hodgson, Legal Adviser on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the International Commission of Jurists and Rossella De Falco, Programme Officer on the Right to Health at Global Initiative on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Historically pandemics have often catalyzed significant social change. As historian of epidemics Frank Snowden puts it: “epidemics are a category of disease that seem to hold...

Srinivas Burra is an Assistant Professor at South Asian University. Photo credit: Irish Times This post deals with India’s recent statement on the right of self-defence against the acts of non-state actors. India’s statement at the Arria Formula meeting on 24 February 2021, organised by Mexico on the topic of ‘Upholding the Collective Security System of the UN Charter: the...

Events European Court of Human Rights’ Webinar on ‘Human Punishment: Life Imprisonment and the Right to Hope’: The Criminal Law Group of the European Court of Human Rights, in cooperation with the University of Bologna, Liverpool John Moores University and ‘Beyond Detention’ Interest Group is convening a series of webinars on the broader theme of ‘Punishment, Detention, Crisis: Academic Judicial Dialogues’. The...