Public International Law

[Başak Etkin (@EtkinBasak) is a PhD candidate at Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, and the co-host of the philosophy of international law podcast, Borderline Jurisprudence.] “Do as I say, not as I do”, the saying goes in Turkish. As an early career researcher, answering a call for abstracts for conferences or workshops can be a daunting experience – it certainly was for me at first. Now as...

Announcements ABILA - Crisis in Ukraine: International Law and Accountability: The ABILA ICC Committee is pleased to co-sponsor a virtual panel on Crisis in Ukraine: International Law and Accountability on Thursday, March 31 at 12:15-1:45 pm ET. Given the tragic outbreak of war in Ukraine and Russia’s flagrant violation of the UN Charter and ongoing commission of crimes, this panel will...

[Wai Wai Nu is a human rights and democracy activist, a former political prisoner, and the founder and executive director of the Women’s Peace Network in Myanmar. She is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law.] On February 28, hearings concluded at The Hague in the genocide case against Myanmar after four days of arguments on whether the International Court...

[Ana Martín is a PhD Researcher at the Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University, investigating the topic intersectionality and sexual and gender-based crimes.] The Appeals Chamber (AC) Confirmation of Jurisdiction Decision in Abd-Al-Rahman (1 November 2021) sets a substantive precedent regarding the challenging harmonization of two articles of the International Criminal Court (ICC, Court) Rome Statute (Statute): article 22 (1) establishing the principle of legality or...

[Gabriele Chlevickaite is Assistant Professor at VU Amsterdam, a Board Member at the Center for International Criminal Justice and a fellow at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR).] Tensions between academic independence and practical relevance are long-standing, and increasingly subject to debate, with little guidance to those on either side of the equation. However, the academia-practitioner relationship...

[Frédéric Mégret is Professor and co-Director, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Faculty of Law, McGill University.] With “How to be a Brit,” George Mikes wrote a much-loved tongue-in-cheek guide to Britishness for an imagined foreign audience. The book included indispensable advice such as “Do not call foreign lawyers (…) ‘Doctor’. Everybody knows that the little word ‘doctor’ only means that they are Central...

[Srinivas Burra is in conversation with Sundhya Pahuja, ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Professor and Director of the Institute for International Law and the Humanities (IILAH) of Melbourne Law School, the University of Melbourne.] Srinivas Burra: Professor Pahuja, thank you very much for accepting to share your thoughts in this symposium. As you have a long experience of supervising doctoral students, we would like...

[Eliav Lieblich (@eliavl) is Professor of Law at Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University.] Demystifying Methods As discussed in Part I, methods intimidate legal scholars, and understandably so.  To demystify methods, the most helpful thing, is …  to go back to your research question. (anti-climactic, I know) In this context, categorizing research questions to descriptive, normative, and critical questions is a...

[Eliav Lieblich (@eliavl) is Professor of Law at Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University.] That girl from sociology in your grad students mixer. The smug guy in your doctoral colloquium. That close-talker near the cookies at the conference break. The just-tenured-prof in your job talk. The-grant-proposal-format-that-was-made-for-sciences-but-for-some-reason-is-the-same-for-everyone. Eventually, someone will ask you about your research methods. Confession: I dreaded this question...

[Srinivas Burra is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean at the Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New Delhi. Julia Emtseva is a Research Fellow/PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law. Barrie Sander is Assistant Professor of International Justice at Leiden University – Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Ntina Tzouvala is an...