Public International Law

Call for Papers Call for Papers - December 2022 Issue of the Washburn Law Journal: The Washburn Law Journal is soliciting articles for Issue I, Volume 62 of the Journal. The lead Essay for the issue is written by Professor Daniel Bodansky and discusses the UN climate change regime, the Paris Agreement, and COP 26. Each year, Washburn University School of...

[Giulia Pinzauti is Assistant Professor of Public International Law at Leiden Law School’s Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. Alessadro Pizzuti (Twitter: @Aless_Pizzuti) is the co-founder and co-director of UpRights.] The authors would like to thank Miles Jackson and Daniel Gryshchenko for their help and suggestions for this post. Introduction Framing Russia’s unlawful use of force against Ukraine as an other inhumane act, via the violation of...

[Giulia Pinzauti is Assistant Professor of Public International Law at Leiden Law School’s Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. Alessadro Pizzuti (Twitter: @Aless_Pizzuti) is the co-founder and co-director of UpRights.] The authors would like to thank Miles Jackson and Daniel Gryshchenko for their help and suggestions for this post. Introduction The ICC’s lack of jurisdiction over the crime of aggression committed by the leadership of the Russian...

[Leslie Johns is a professor of political science and law at UCLA and the author of  Politics and International Law: Making, Breaking, and Upholding Global Rules, that is being published by Cambridge University Press in summer 2022. Máximo Langer is a professor of law at UCLA and his research on universal jurisdiction trials has been published in journals like the...

[Barrister Tapas Baul is a Prosecutor at the International Crimes Tribunal-Bangladesh. He is an Adjunct Faculty of International Criminal Law, Clinical Legal Education and Penal Laws in Jahangirnagar University and Bangladesh Open University.  Mr Aakarsh Banyal is a University Merit Scholar and Shantanu Tomar Scholar at Symbiosis Law School, Pune, India.] Introduction The International Crimes Tribunals of Bangladesh is a domestic tribunal established...

[Christine Bell is Director of PeaceRep (Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform), Assistant Principal (Global Justice) and Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Edinburgh. The opinions expressed herein are the author’s own. Thanks are due to the PeaceRep programme funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, for support to write the piece.] Introduction: Need for a Geopolitical Dimension to Settlement This contribution...

[Lyal S. Sunga, Affiliated Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden), has conducted monitoring, investigation, technical cooperation, education and training in 55 countries over the last 30 years, including in Russia and other former Soviet republics, for the United Nations and many other partners.] On 19 May 2022, 21-year-old Russian tank commander Vadim Shishimarin pled guilty to shooting dead Oleksandr Shelipovan, an...

[Lily Zanjani is an Advanced LL.M Student of Public international Law at Leiden University. She is currently a legal intern at International Criminal Court and International Centre for Counterterrorism.] This article will scrutinize the United Kingdom’s legal justifications concerning the use of force in Iraq in accordance with its interpretation of United Nations’ (UN) Resolution 1441. This resolution revolves around Iraq’s non-compliance with...

[Dr Cristina Teleki is a research associate at the Global Governance Center (IHEID, Geneva). All views are her own.] [This is the sixth Options paper that is being published by the Ukraine Peace Settlement Project in Cooperation with Opinio Juris.] With the war between the Russian Federation (RF) and Ukraine advancing, the number of prisoners of war (PoWs) and other people deprived...

Call for Papers Robert Cryer - A Life in Law and a Law unto Himself: We greatly miss Professor Rob Cryer, who passed away in 2021 at the age of forty-six. We aim to channel this loss, those missings, into an event, and a book, that celebrates his oeuvre, research, mentorship, teaching, insights, idiosyncrasy, laughter, vim, and wit. We plan an eclectic...

[Stefan Wolff is Professor of International Security in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Birmingham. The opinions expressed herein are the author’s alone.] [This is the fifth Options paper that is being published by the Ukraine Peace Settlement Project in Cooperation with Opinio Juris.] 1. Introduction This contribution elaborates different dispute settlement mechanisms that may be used in a...

[Richard Dicker, formerly director of the Human Rights Watch International Justice Program, is now a senior adviser with the organization and teaches at Columbia and UCLA law schools. Alina Pucko, a German lawyer, is a candidate for a Masters of Law degree at Columbia Law School.] With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and revelations of apparent war crimes and possible crimes against humanity, attention has turned in...