International Humanitarian Law

[Junru Lyu is a J.D. Candidate at Georgetown University Law Center, with an LL.B. degree obtained from Shandong University.]Photo credit: Gallo Images—Getty Images On Apr. 17th, Dr. Trung Nguyen Quoc Tan published his post concerning the occupation status of the Paracel Islands and the Spratly Islands. He claims in his post that given China’s military and paramilitary activities in the South...

[John Quigley is Professor Emeritus at the Moritz College of Law of The Ohio State University.] Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons The recent violence in Israel/Palestine highlights the need to resolve the underlying issues that have kept generated turmoil for a century. The unresolved issue of Arabs displaced in 1948 is at the top of the list of such issues. The urgency of...

[Sean Bain has worked on justice and democracy issues in Myanmar since 2013, including as Yangon-based legal adviser for a human rights group and as an analyst for the United Nations.] Photo credit:  "SK/Kachinwaves"; "Anti-coup protest in Myanmar's northern Kachin State, 8 May 2021"   The unlawful military coup of 1 February is not a fait accompli, and States must refuse to recognise...

Summer School Al-Haq International Law Online Summer School Program: Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law is pleased to announce its Seventh International Law Summer School for professionals, legal researchers, post-graduates and academics in the fields of international law and human rights. The 2021 program will run entirely online through ten days from 31st May – 12th June 2021. The summer school aims to assist professionals...

Call for Papers Call for papers on “The Potential of Public Interest Litigation in International Law”: As there is growing interest in using international courts in the public interest, this project, funded by the University of Exeter and the University of Geneva, aims at analysing what challenges lie ahead and how to overcome them.  In order to tackle these questions, the organisers...

[Alexander Wolffenbuttel is a Ph.D. student in International Law at the Graduate Institute Geneva. He is a former legal consultant at the International Criminal Court and a former apprentice at Sjöcrona van Stigt advocaten defending Oleg Pulatov. The opinions and comments expressed in this publication are those of the author.] Photo credit: BBC   MH-17 Trial: U.S. Satellite Imagery and Foreign Confidential Intelligence...

[Parisa Zangeneh is a PhD student at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway, where she  is a recipient of the Hardiman Scholarship.] Photo: Parisa Zangeneh Monique Cormier’s recent book focuses on a problem that has plagued the International Criminal Court (ICC, Court) since its inception: its potential (in)ability to exercise jurisdiction over nationals of non-States Parties (NSPs)...

[Ahmad Helmi is a survivor of torture and three years detention in the Syrian regime’s detention centers, and is the co-founder and manager of Ta’afi, a survivor-led and centered initiative supporting survivors of detention.] [Brigitte Herremans is a researcher at Justice Visions, an ERC project on Victim Participation in Transitional Justice, which is hosted at the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University.] [Veronica Bellintani...

[Nguyen, Quoc Tan Trung is a PhD candidate at University of Victoria, Canada and lecturer on public international law in Vietnam. He currently pursues research interests including international legal framework on non-recognition, use of force and human rights.] [] Photo credit: Reuters The South China Sea arbitration award between the Philippines and China clearly favours the principles of the United Nations Convention...

  [Cuno Jakob Tarfusser served as Judge of the International Criminal Court from 2009 to 2020. During his tenure, he was also its Vice-President and President of the Pre-Trial Division. As Pre-Trial Judge, sitting in both PT Chambers, he was in charge of all situations and cases the Court dealt with.] [Giovanni Chiarini is a PhD candidate at University of Insubria (Como...

Events Webinar on Palestine, Israel and the ICC: The Nottingham Law School (NLS) Centre for Rights and Justice is pleased to announce a webinar on 'The Long Walk to Justice: Palestine, Israel and the International Criminal Court' on 12 April 2021 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. The webinar will host the contributions of Prof Richard Falk, former UN special rapporteur on...

Photo credit: Gaël Grilhot/RFICaption:  The President of the Special Criminal Court, Michel Landry Louanga, opens the Court's inaugural session on 22 October 2018. [Julian Elderfield is an international lawyer and worked in Bangui, Central African Republic for  the Special Prosecutor of the Special Criminal Court from 2019-2021. Previously, he worked in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court....