
[Elke Schwarz is a Reader and Senior Lecturer in Political Theory at Queen Mary University London.] The scale of violence and destruction in Gaza is difficult to fathom; the sheer existential terror the civilian population experiences is unspeakable. First the shockingly high daily death toll on account of the military campaign, now the unfolding famine which affects children and the more...

[Alexandra L Phelan is an international lawyer, Senior Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and Associate Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  Nina Schwalbe is the Principal at Spark Street Advisors, an adjunct assistant professor at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health and Principal Visiting Fellow at United Nations University International Institute for Global...

[Christopher "Kip" Hale is the chair of the American Bar Association's International Criminal Law Practice Project (ICLPP) and is currently the chief of staff to the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) for Ukraine and Georgetown Law's International Criminal Justice Initiative. David Akerson is past chair of the American Bar Association's ICLPP and a former prosecutor at the Yugoslavia and Rwanda tribunals. Glenna MacGregor...

[Shahd Hammouri is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Kent. She researches tensions arising at the intersection of the public and the economic in international law from a global south perspective using tools of critical theory. In the past few years, her focus has been corporate profiteering and war economies. She has experience as an international legal consultant with particular focus on the...

[Jeroen van den Boogaard is a legal counsel for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a lecturer in international humanitarian law at the University of Amsterdam. He writes this post in his personal capacity.] In the coming weeks, Opinio Juris will host a symposium on “Responsible Military AI and the Law of Armed Conflict.” The purpose of the symposium is...

[Christian Henderson is Professor of International Law at the University of Sussex. He is the author of The Use of Force and International Law (2nd end, CUP, 2023)] Introduction A notable aspect of the International Court of Justice’s decision on provisional measures in the South Africa v Israel case was whether, and if so how, the Court might respond to Israel’s overarching legal justification that it...

[Naimeh Masumy is a research fellow at Maastricht University and a dispute resolution expert specialized in energy and investment disputes] The author would like to express gratitude for the valuable comments and feedback received from Wolf Von Kumberg, as well as the support given by Hiba al Abiad. Human beings are members of a wholeIn creation of one essence and soulIf one...

[Florence Shako is an advocate and academic researching business and human rights and access to justice issues. She is the Senior Partner of Mitullah, Shako and Associates Advocates as well as the Executive Director of the Center for Education Policy and Climate Justice based in Nairobi, Kenya.] The landmark judgment in Ligue Ivoirienne Des Droits De L’homme and Others v. Republic of Côte...

[Jennifer Trahan is a Clinical Professor at NYU’s Center for Global Affairs and Director of their Concentration in International Law and Human Rights.] On February 21, 2024, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) stated the following in hearings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the General Assembly’s request for an advisory opinion on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies...

[Adrian Kreutz studied for his PhD at the University of Oxford and is currently a Lecturer in Political Theory at the University of Amsterdam] The ICJ has ruled positively on the plausibility of South Africa’s genocide case brought against Israel. This situation has produced a series of ripple-on political and jurisprudential questions. The matter of complicity is one of these acutely...

[Philip D. Cave is a retired U.S. Navy judge advocate, a Director of the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ), and a partner in Cave & Freeburg, LLP. Franklin D. Rosenblatt is a retired U.S. Army judge advocate, President of the NIMJ, and Associate Professor at Mississippi College School of Law. Giovanni Chiarini is a Lecturer at the University of Huddersfield, an...