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With all respect, I believe my summary of the substantive non-jurisdictional issues raised by the genocide claim was, while brief, quite complete, non-tendentious, and fully engaged in the substance. I stated quite clearly that Ahmadinejad called for the elimination of the state of Israel. While I think it is well understood that this would be accomplished by military means involving...

I read with great interest Professor Bell's analysis of whether the ICC would have jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute President Ahmadinejad for direct and public incitement to genocide. I just want to to point out that the jurisdictional question he discusses is actually more complicated than he suggests. The critical Article is Article 12, "Preconditions to the Exercise of Jurisdiction,"...

Haaretz reports on the progress of an attempt by a handful of retired Israeli diplomats to sue Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the ICC for incitement to genocide. The story does note the teeny-tiny problem with the attempt: neither Israel nor Iran is a party to the Rome Statute. By my reading of the Statute, this renders all...

The International Astronomical Union decided yesterday to downgrade Pluto's status as a planet (see report here). And just like that, the solar system has been reduced to eight planets. Although there is some grumbling, there seems little doubt the world will accept the IAU's judgment, even the IAU is a non-governmental international association. Talk about power! I'm sure folks...

Here is a survey that will strike fear in the heart of Tom Friedman. According to a survey released yesterday by Pew Research, Americans put far too little pressure on their kids to do well in school, particularly in comparison to their counterparts in Asia. "Have American parents become too pushy about their kids' education? Many experts seem...

The Jerusalem Post published a short piece of mine about Human Rights Watch and its accusations of Israeli war crimes in the recent Lebanon war. The two second version of the piece: Human Rights Watch accused Israel of the war crime of indiscriminate bombing in the Lebanese village of Srifa, where, according to Human Rights Watch, Israel killed forty-something...

Just in case you didn't get enough commentary here and elsewhere on Judge Taylor's decision last week invalidating the NSA wiretapping program, Luke Debevec has this useful roundup of blogosphere reaction in today's Legal Intelligencer. Luke, an attorney in Philadelphia, also has a posting on his blog here. Check it out! ...

Starting Monday of next week, Opinio Juris is pleased to be hosting an online preview of a roundtable at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Entitled "The Allocation of Normative Power to and among International Tribunals," the roundtable will explore legal and political issues arising out of the rise of international tribunals and the increasing legalization...

I have a tendency to be skeptical about reports regarding how bad (or good) things are going in Iraq. It is one of those subjects where it seems the messenger's bias often influences the outcome of the message. For example, the Washington Post reported in October 2004 that "at least 100,000 Iraqi civilians may have died because of...