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Reading through President Bush's speech yesterday on the commissions, war crimes, and secret detentions, it's striking how he repeatedly emphasized legality. At several points he asserted the lawfulness of the secret detention and of interrogation techniques (at one point noting that the program "has been subject to multiple legal reviews by the Department of Justice and CIA lawyers"). ...

Bobby Chesney (former guest blogger at Opinio Juris), Steve Vladeck (of Prawfsblawg) and Tung Yin (the Yin Blog) have just launched a new national security law blog titled National Security Advisors. Here is their description of the blog: Few areas of law or policy have been as important as national security during the five-year period following 9/11, and none have...

I wanted to offer one other quick report on last week’s symposium at Pepperdine on the Rookie Year of the Roberts Court. As you might expect, Hamdan featured prominently in the discussion. In essence we saw with Professors Doug Kmiec and Erwin Chemerinsky a tale of two Hamdans. You can view both of their presentations here under...

Following up on my earlier post, the ICTR isn't happy that Tanzanian police have arrested Gakwaya. The Tribunal's Registrar has released the following statement:Following the arrest of Defence Counsel Callixte Gakwaya, Lead Counsel for the accused Yusuf Munyakasi, on Friday 1 September 2006, the Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Mr Adama Dieng, expressed his strong...

One of the more interesting parts of the symposium last week at Pepperdine on the Rookie Year of the Roberts Court were the comments of Supreme Court correspondents David Savage, Gina Holland and Marcia Coyle. You can view their comments here. I thought it was quite interesting that Marcia Coyle, Washington Bureau Chief and U.S. Supreme Court Correspondent for...

Jeremy Rabkin has this piece in the Weekly Standard on what the latest Mideast conflict has to say about IL. As is true of Rabkin's other work, it's nicely argued and knowledgeable. Without getting into the substance of the particular issues (Rabkin's take here hinges on classifying standards of proportionality as something other than customary international law to...

According this report out of Australia, in early July Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks was granted UK citizenship only to be stripped of the status the very next day. The British courts had confirmed Hicks' claim to the British tie through his London-born mother. Hicks apparently hoped that British citizenship would lead to his release (as has been...