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[Professor Lena Salaymeh is a jurist and historian who teaches at the École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL. She was previously Professor of Law at Tel Aviv University. She co-founded the Decolonial Comparative Law Program at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law in 2019 and co-directed it until 2023.] Horrifying images of children in Palestine and Lebanon murdered and...

[George Bisharat is an Emeritus Professor at the University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, and writes frequently on law and politics in the Middle East for both academic and general audiences. He is currently leading an international comparative research project examining the role of private violence in settler colonial societies.] Three cases related to Palestine have been before...

[Mohsen al Attar is Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University as well as a Contributing Editor to Opinio Juris] Israel’s latest bombardment of Gaza—a fifth since its false disengagement in 2006—has once again exposed the catastrophic failures of international law in protecting the world’s most vulnerable from militarism and settler-colonialism. While purportedly targeting resistance, a dubious goal...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to Calls for Papers *Bilingual* International Law Theme Day: Seminar in Treaty Law & Colloquium — The Law of Treaties and Teleology: On the morning of 21 November 2024, a seminar on treaty law for PhD candidates and young researchers will take place. The...

In Representations of the Intellectual, Edward Said paints a portrait of the public intellectual. Part description and part aspiration (and maybe a little autobiography as well), he represents the intellectual as an outsider, a subversive whose role is to challenge the status quo by “speaking truth to power.” While this statement was probably never intended as more than a catchy...

September 2024 António GuterresSecretary-GeneralUnited NationsNew York, NY 10017United States Dear Secretary-General, We are writing to urge the United Nations to initiate a comprehensive global study on apartheid practices and to affirm an inclusive understanding of victims protected from the crime of apartheid. UN experts are increasingly pointing to apartheid practices and policies in different regions of the world, for example, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Myanmar, Afghanistan and North Korea. In light...

[Emily Mullin is a legal intern and lead of the Ukraine Advocacy Initiative atGenocide Watch.] [Dr. Gregory Stanton is the founder and president of Genocide Watch and the Chair of the Alliance Against Genocide.] Overview Since Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, international lawyers have discussed creation of a Special Tribunal for the crime of aggression. Philippe Sands proposed the idea in the Financial Times just four...

[Dr Letizia Lo Giacco is Assistant Professor of Public International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden University] A default mode to understand and reflect on the activity of the International Criminal Court (ICC, ‘the Court’) is from the standpoint of international criminal law. This comes of course quite natural, being the Court a permanent pivot in the international criminal justice...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to Calls for Papers Conference on Indigenous and Minority Rights: The Congress of Nations and States (CNS) along with The University of Stirling will be co-hosting a conference on Indigenous and Minority Rights from March 5-7, 2025. The call for papers outlines...

[Ankit Malhotra is an Advocate, Felix Scholar and co-editor of Re-Imagining the International Legal Order] "The principles and rules of diplomatic privileges and immunities are not—and this cannot be over-stressed—the invention or device of one group of nations, of one continent, or one circle of culture, but have been established for centuries and are shared by nations of all races and civilizations."Judge...

[Parisa Zangeneh is a PhD researcher at the Irish Centre of Human Rights, University of Galway, where she is supported by the Hardiman Scholarship] Introduction  This blog post focuses on the interpretation of Common Article 1 that was presented to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Nicaragua v Germany proceedings. It argues that Germany’s interpretation of Common Article 1 is...