Author: David Zaring

The European Journal of International Law’s most recent issue contains a symposium on global administrative law, an area of vigorous scholarly interest of late, premised on the observation that, as Benedict Kingsbury and Nico Krisch put it, “much of global governance can be understood as regulation and administration.” Because this sort of governance – ranging from informal international agreements...

As veteran readers of this blog may recall, I've been studying the way that federal courts use foreign decisions, a hot topic since the Supreme Court cited European cases in Roper, Atkins, and Lawrence, all of which were decisions expanding constitutional protections, and all of which have been hotly decried and hotly defended for resorting to foreign law. I...

Hi, everybody. I'm no comparativist, but Zacarias Moussaoui is in the news, and I wonder if we can learn anything about the wise criminal prosecution of our enemies by comparing them to domestic criminal defendants. When I think about the Moussaoui trial, I think circus, not least because of the tenuous claims of the prosecution trying to portray...