Author: Chris Borgen

James Gathii of Albany Law School has organized the third annual Third World and International Law (TWAIL) conference, to be held at Albany Law School on April 20 and 21. According to the conference description:One of the primary goals of this two-day conference, to be held between 20th to the 21st of April 2007, is to bring together a...

A new association, the International Network to Promote the Rule of Law(INPROL), was recently formed under the auspices of the US Institute of Peace. INPROL’s mission…is to assist international rule of law specialists in their efforts to prevent conflict and stabilize war-torn societies. An internet-based knowledge network, INPROL provides those serving in the field the ability to exchange information...

As you may remember, last month Peggy, Duncan, and I attended a conference at Yale Law School on the contributions of the New Haven School to international law. In part this was about the policy-oriented jurisprudence associated with Harold Lasswell, Myres McDougal, and Michael Reisman (among others). In part the conference was about the ideas of transnational legal...

This weekend marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union. The Treaty of Rome was signed on March 25, 1957, expanding the European Coal and Steel Community into the new EEC of six states (France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg). The EU has set up a portal site...

Next week the Yale Journal of International Law will host a conference entitled The “New” New Haven School: International Law—Past, Present, and Future. Here’s a description:A generation ago, Yale Law School gave birth to the so-called "New Haven School of International Law," which insisted that law is more than formal legal institutions, that international law is best studied by evaluating...

1948 is a new international law blog from Otto Spijkers and Richard Norman. It is based out of the University of Leiden. Why is the blog called 1948? I 'll let them explain:1948 was a leap year, beginning on a Thursday. More importantly, 1948 saw the creation of the Organization of American States, the Berlin Blockade and the beginnings...

General William Odom has a thoughtful op-ed in today's Washington Post with the title quoted above. He begins by debunking what he views as four myths concerningt he war (includng we must continue fighting to prevent Iran from gaining power in Iraq and we must continue fighting to prevent a blood bath). He then goes on to explain...

Father Robert Drinan, Catholic priest, former member of Congress, human rights activist, author, and law professor, died on Sunday from complications relating to pneumonia. He was 86. Father Drinan will be remembered for having been the first priest to be elected as a voting member to Congress (Michigan, then a territory, sent a priest as a non-voting delegate in the 1830’s)....

With the rush of so many events—the War in Iraq and the “surge,” Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia, the Sudan, the Global War on Terror, Guantanamo, you name it—I just wanted to pause for a minute in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As is the custom each year, the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC (online audio stream here)...

The following is from the Times of London, via Talking Points Memo (emphasis mine):Frederick Kagan, 36, is the author of Choosing Victory, a blueprint for the surge adopted by President George W Bush. Just as everybody had begun writing off the influence of the neocons at the White House, genial, chubby-faced Frederick gave the muscular intellectuals a lease of life. It...