Events and Announcements: 9 June 2024

Events and Announcements: 9 June 2024

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Online symposium ‘Futureproofing human rights, developing thicker forms of accountability’: With this symposium on 18 June 2024, we aim to strengthen human rights law by identifying means or mechanisms that ensure a thicker form of accountability that it can face up to current social challenges. This ambition is rooted in the disconnect between the formal legal system and the lived experiences of those who suffer harms that could logically be – but are not (yet) – understood as a human rights violation. The overarching question we seek to answer throughout the symposium is: How can thicker accountability for human rights violations be achieved, so as to ensure better human rights protection in line with the everyday experience of rights holders? Register by 14 June here.

MINERVA Law Network Webinar: A Day in the Life of a UN Woman: On 21 June 2024 at 1:00pm CEST, Ms Genoveva Tisheva will share her personal experience working with the UN to protect the human rights of women, which she gained in her capacity as a sitting member and Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). For more information and to register, click here.

SAIELN Fourth Biennial Conference: The South Asia International Economic Law Network Fourth Biennial Conference will take place on 16-18 December 2024 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in collaboration with the Open University of Sri Lanka. The Fourth Biennial Conference will be held in person and aims to provide a platform for experts, policymakers, lawyers, academics, economists, and grassroots level actors to exchange views on the multifaceted challenges and innovative legal and policy solutions to further “local” approaches to IEL. The details of the Fourth Biennial Conference can be found here.

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