07 Jun Symposium on Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
During the coming days, Opinio Juris, along with the UN Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict, will host a Symposium on accountability for conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) crimes associated with slave trade, slavery and trafficking. The Symposium focuses on some of the key aspects developed in the fifth webinar of the Digital Dialogues on CRSV, including: a reflection on the latest innovations and lessons learned related to the criminal investigation of slave trade; efforts to support and strengthen accountability at the national level; challenges to implement a victim centred approach; and a look at a yet incomplete but evolving jurisprudential response.
We have posts lined up from Stephanie Barbour, Aimee Comrie, Siobhan Mullaly, Patricia Viseur Sellers and Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum. Please follow the discussion throughout this week.
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