17 May Events and Announcements: 17 May 2021
Featured Announcement

New Course from BIICL: International Trade Law
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is delighted to announce the launch of a new (Virtual) Short Course on International Trade Law. The training course offers an in-depth dynamic and applied knowledge of the regulatory framework of the multilateral trading system, covering both the institutional and substantive law of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The WTO has played a central role in promoting and regulating international trade liberalisation since 1994 and continues to be a major actor in global economic governance.
Delivered by leading academics, practitioners and experts in the field, the training course will offer a practical insight into the most recent developments, at a critical time for international trade law, international governance and connectivity.
The course will run over 10 Sessions over five days: 28 May– 25 June 2021.
Charges, Discounts and Booking
The fee for the course is £550 per person.
We are conscious of the many challenges posed by the current crisis and are seeking to do our part to support people preparing for the legal market in the days after the crisis. In view of this, we are offering a 15% discount on our courses to anyone for whom the current situation has resulted in reduced or precarious employment.
Moreover, in our effort to support greater engagement of under-represented groups in the legal profession, we are offering the same discount to people from such groups who take these courses.
Student Member Discount: 15% discount for student members of BIICL.
Group discounts are available.
Find out more and register online here.
Other Events
Online workshop: Narratives of International Law: The Maastricht University Study Group for Critical Approaches to International Law is organising an online workshop on Narratives of International Law for students and academics on 20 May 2021. Please find the programme and registration information here.
If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact John Heieck at eventsandannouncements[at]gmail[dot]com with a one-paragraph description of your announcement along with hyperlinks to more information. Failure to provide said information may result in delayed posting of your announcement. Thank you!
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